Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hoofer leaders function like a virus

This may be the most disturbing news story of the year. It's not on the coronavirus but is about an extremely professional and determined Russian covert operation against the United States:

The Russian tactics are not unlike those of a virus, which co-opts a cell's internal mechanisms for its own use. Viruses are parasites that derive all their requirements from the host cell. Since viruses can't obtain nourishment or reproduce on their own, they are in essence a kind of proto-life--rogue DNA that evolved parasitism as a means of survival (see image below), much as Hoofer leaders and sailing instructors are parasitic on paying customers, a.k.a. "club members".

The Russians are planting viruses of the mind--damaging ideas (commonly known as fake news)--which are co-opting not only Trump and stooges like Giuliani but also respected news organizations like the New York Post (a tabloid, but still a major news outlet) to help spread these mind viruses. The key tactic is noted in the article:

"in September, US intelligence analysts learned the Russians were planning to dump hacked and forged Burisma emails as part of an 'October surprise' targeting Biden before the election."

The genuine emails give the whole thing a ring of truth, while the fake emails do all the damage.

That's exactly how Hoofer leaders operate when they slander club members they don't like. If you want to f#@k with someone but can't do it legally, what are your options? Slander! Take something that's true (to give your lies a ring of truth), e.g. "He was at the lakefront on Friday afternoon," and then embellish it with some falshoods, e.g. "He kept staring at my girlfriend" or maybe just "he acted creepy." How can a person counter that sort of thing? Answer: They can't.

NOTE that we are not recommending anyone actually do that because it's criminal, but that is how Hoofer leaders and Wis. Union managers operate. Lies and misinformation are easy to perpetrate and very difficult to defend. That's why Trump and the Russians are doing it.

You can learn this and other Dark Arts in Hoofers, along with sailing, kayaking, horseback riding, and skiing!