Friday, January 1, 2016


JAN 16 UPDATE: Tough loss for the Meat Packers today, but boy, that A-Rod sure can play. You heard it here first: The Packers will never make it to another Super Bowl with him at QB. C'est la vie.

JAN 6 UPDATE: As expected, the Pack lost to Minnesota on Sunday. At least the Packers have lots of great fans, like those at right. Let's hope for more good news next Sunday in Washington, DC. (And we'll get back to sailing soon!)

Happy New Year and welcome to another non-sailing post. It's January so there's no sailing in Wisconsin these days. Nor do we care about the boys arguing over their toys every other Wednesday evening in the Hoofer lounge. Does it really matter whether the club accepts that poor sap's beat-up Laser or some other junk?

Meanwhile, with the Vikings-Packers divisional championship game looming this Sunday, we thought it appropriate to recall why the Packers suck so much:

1. Brett Favre is gone.

2. Aaron Rodgers, nickname "A-Rod" (you know what the "A" and the rod stand for, right..?) is a jerk. Plus, he looks like a poor-man's Ben Roethlisberger. Rodgers has some talent to be sure, but much of his skill and success owe to the fact that he got to observe Hall of Fame QB Brett Favre play for three years.

3. Green Bay is friggin cold. Like Siberia, but without the gulags.

4. Wisconsin is the West Virginia of the Midwest. For instance, most residents believe that the Earth popped out of hyperspace about 8,000 years ago fully populated with modern humans. That's what happens when you drop out of high school at age 21 and take a job in your family's auto salvage business. Naturally, most of them also believe wholeheartedly in the Packers.

5. The team's name is a salute to meat packing (i.e. the Meat Packers, but they dropped "meat" for some reason). Meat packing is big industry in Green Bay and elsewhere in Wisconsin. That, toilet paper production, and auto salvage (because so much salt is used on the roads here in winter).

And people wonder why the high tech industry struggles in Wisconsin.

Well, be sure to see the movie "Concussion." Football—it's "America's game"! (and especially Wisconsin's)

We'll try to bring you some ice sailing news if and when the lake freezes over.