Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sailing south from Minnesota

There's not much news because Hoofer leaders are locked away by the fireplace, plotting how to maximize profits in '10. But how 'bout this:

The Dallas Cowgirls came north today and met their maker. That, of course, is Brett Favre who made them cocky by losing to Dallas in all three of his previous playoff appearances against them. But that was back in the 1990s. This time, the 'girls got slaughtered. Final score: 34 to 3.

For details, see this article, fittingly titled "Setting Sail":

You could even say that Dallas got raped. Now there's something that Hoofer leaders can relate to.

Feb. 7 update: The "Setting Sail" article's title changed almost immediately, and it doesn't matter now anyway since Favre threw the title game away.