Friday, April 5, 2019

The Hoofer TOP 10

APRIL 11 UPDATE: Hoofer Sailing Club (i.e. BOC, paid staff, and instructors) wants to assure customers (a.k.a. "club members"), potential customers, parents of potential customers (youth sailing), and UW-Madison's Chancellor Blank that we are doing our best to weed out incompetent instructors. At this point, most of them either became alcoholics and disappeared, or else club leaders used the latest keelboat insurance money to exercise the buyout clause in their lifetime contracts and sent them to work for tech start-ups in the San Francisco Bay area. Oddly enough, the club is still paying some of them, but at least it's not to wreck Hoofer keelboats anymore.

We've added a handy new menu button on the right--check it out. These are the result of a couple of us talking the other night, possibly after a few brewskis, so it is a work in progress. If you recall a good one that's not on the list, leave a comment!


  1. The video of JC's most awesome boat take-offs and landings from the Keel Pier deserves its own button. It has educational value.

  2. Should have a button to memorialize all those that have given their lives to preserve the status quo of Kwality Klub Keelboating. Include links to all of the redacted/unredacted reports.

  3. Davey Jones Locker button

  4. What do we know about the Tong Family Foundation? Nothing out there on the web.

    Conspiracy Theory Time! (Our Favorite) Could it be Peoples Republic of China gaining control of yet another port? And might this extend their territorial waters claim into the heart of the USA?

    Oh boy! What did we cede to the Peoples Liberation Navy by taking the money?

    Or is the Tong Family Foundation legit and their generous gift is free of foreign encumbrances?

  5. As someone said, it is to get their name on a big bronze plaque.

    I like the other ideas, maybe a button for skeletons in the Hoofer closet.

  6. Adm. Ackbar: We're going to need a bigger button for that!

  7. OBVIOUS. All the people screwed over, disenfranchised, Blackballed, (Blue balled?), or otherwise done dirty by Admiral Elsmo.

  8. It's not just Hoofers that UW Risk Management is ruining.
    Risk averse: Administrative roadblocks set back life-saving research at UW

  9. You need to take down this bullshit about the commodore on the left. Your link leads to a scam website. Completely inappropriate to be making up things to that degree. Rant about the club to your heart's desire, but do not publish things on the internet that you cannot verify. Please, take that down. That is something that can ruin career prospects from a simple google search

  10. Please remove your comments about the commodore on the left of the page

  11. Wow, now the abusers are complaining, the Elsmo BOC & Co. who have ruined many lives. Does Lukas have skeletons in his closet? None that i know of, but, several former commodores did. You know who i am talking about, one was even charged with a felony. Hoofers should clean up their act if they don't want to see things like that.

  12. In the interest of club harmony and a great sailing season in 2019, we removed the alert for the time being and will doublecheck with our attorneys, but they already told us there's nothing unlawful about re-posting something that's already posted publicly on another website. There is even more leeway when it's related to a state employee or public figure, and the commodore is both. In light of the serious misbehavior of at least two former Hoofer Sailing Club commodores and at least two recent head instructors, it's not at all unreasonable to warn people about the club and its leadership.

    1. Really? You got that advice from "your attorneys? Really? So how about I post YOUR past public and university criminal acts. Want that to happen? Go ask you attorney. What is a "head instructor?" If you are going to toss out misbehavior about others, perhaps name them? That way the ones who DO a good job are not painted with your broad brush of criminality and subversion by club instructors.

  13. I thought that this site was satire with some biting truths thrown in. It's the only Free Press associated with Hoofer's. If you separate the wheat from the chaff, this has and continues to provide critical information about the club. Where else could we learn what the big delay was about Yu Chen? Sure, there's a lot of BS and I chalk that up to people just having fun. I skip over the personal issues to get to the news!

    1. Bet your news source is the National Enquirer. If you are expecting many facts from this blog....go read about Bat-Boy in the tabloids. The Village Idiot nailed the purpose behind this blog. Vindictive.

    2. I get my news from the New York Times and this blog!

  14. Where can someone report sexual harassment by a hoofer employee?

    1. Report it to UWPD. Preferably the Community Service Officer. Despite what the person who writes this "blog" may think, UWPD is one of the finest college police forces in the country.

      They have taken swift and serious action when I reported an incident of felony stalking by a prior member. Not naming names, right? But we all know who that was.

    2. Sexual harassment isn't a crime. its despicable but not a crime. and who do you mean? First initial please. Felony Stalking is quite common at Hoofers.

    3. Not a crime? With only a couple of caveats, sexual harassment IS illegal. Felony stalking is NOT common at Hoofers, well, except for a few older men who get off on watching young girls. If you think this is wrong, please tell us about all of these felony stalking cases? Public records? Or do you just say stuff to hear yourself talk.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. We really hate to be party poopers, but we can't agree on whether LR was ever a Hoofer employee. HooferX thinks he was a couple of years ago, but I don't think so. So, we removed that comment, and in any event, sideswipe hit-and-runs like that are too easy. If you actually have something to report about him, you should go to Wis. Union management or some other disciplinarian.

    6. "UWPD is one of the finest college police forces in the country"

      Where did u read that, on the uw police website? It would be laughable if it wasn't so ignorant. Imagine a barnyard full of animals, now take the worst attributes of each one....

    7. I recently witnessed a certain commodore grab a girl's butt at the social. She jumped and spilled her beer, then yelled at him, she was definitely not pleased. Was it his girlfriend? Not by her reaction, when he tried to apologize she would have nothing to do with him. I have witnessed similar behavior many times in hoofers, it is all too common. To anyone who claims otherwise, maybe you are one of the gropers. The same things happens all the time at frat parties.

    8. LD is a groper. Have seen it myself. But then, so are many others around here. Alcohol is usually a facilitator.

  15. Oh glorious champion of womens rights. Stop using women to make your more than disconnected statements. You are using woman for a gain of sorts. Only old men....Old Men are protected under Title IX along with everyone else.

    Nice job microagressing two groups. Off to Diversity Training with ye!

  16. Is it a coincidence that the Party Port on University is razed the same year that the University's Party Port at the UW Memorial Union is demolished?

    The homogenization of Madison knows no bounds. At least we still have the Essen Haus.

  17. To Anonymous at 09:26: If you're talking about me, the only thing you or anyone else knows are the lies that you told. I for one never did anything that could even have been *mistaken* as stalking or harassment, so you committed deliberate criminal obstruction if you told police that I did. But that's how Hoofer sleazebags operate, by spreading lies about people they don't like. This whole blog is spot-on about that.
