Tuesday, February 6, 2024


MARCH 23 UPDATE: Still no official hiring of a new HOI, but word is that Gretchen might return. We hope so! (but not for the reasons you might think.) Face it, we're not going to get top talent for this job, so just pick someone already.

The opening for the vacant Hoofer Sailing Club Head of instruction (HOI) job has closed, with interviews ongoing. Apparently Jim Rogers has applied. He was HOI for more than 15 years (1989-2005) and is intimitaly familiar with the job and its duties, so why not re-hire him?!

Here's why. As a crook and a con artist (sound familiar?), Jim probably isn't the best choice for HOI. Like Donald Trump on a much smaller scale, Jim covets the job he held for so long because of the power and perks that come with it, e.g. the power to manipulate and abuse people, to enrich oneself, etc. That didn't seem to work out very well for Jim before, but as HOI, you're the big fish in a small pond. Nevertheless, despite being dug in like a north woods tick, Jim was removed from Hoofers in 2010 and reassigned to the furthest corner of the Union. He has since returned as a bored board instructor.

Incredibly, the only prerequisite for the HOI job is "Previous sailing experience". Nothing about managerial experience, teaching experience, certifications, etc. Yup, we're easy, and desperate because most people don't last long in the Hoofer Sailing HOI job.

The job has a somewhat sordid history. Jim Rogers we've discussed. Brian Borkovich, a.k.a. Borko, also committed crimes on the job, including voting to increase his own salary (that may not sound so bad, but it's actually a felony in Wisconsin). Tom Barry died on the job. Dave Elsmo moved on to become head of Hoofers, as did Rogers. The latest, whats-her-name, quit. It's almost as if the job attracts unscrupulous people, or at best individuals who are naïve.

With the right oversight, the HOI position could be a great learning development opportunity for students in management or similar fields. Unfortunately, such oversight has always been lacking at Hoofers and the UW. The BOC has some control, and used to have more, but they need even more oversight themselves.

Meanwhile, you have a chance to change all that and help make the HOI position respectable again! Oh wait, you don't--the application deadline has already passed. In any event, the club better hurry and pick someone because the application deadline to apply as a sailing instructor for 2024 is this Friday.

We hate to be so critical, but there are so many serious problems at the Wisconsin Union and Hoofers that it would be impossible to elaborate on all of them. This blog is only the tip of the iceberg.

From U.S. presidents on down to Hoofer instructors, including the HOI, corruption is ubiquitous among public employees. As a federal appeals court just ruled, even U.S. presidents are not immune from prosecution and punishment for crimes they commit. Neither are Hoofer employees, although most have managed to escape justice so far.


  1. Do you have ANY idea how pathetic you actually are? There are so many sparks flying from your grinding axes that one cannot see through those sparks. And all of this for TWENTY FOUR years? The one thing you fail to ever mention is YOUR CRIMINAL history with the club. But that is a story for another day, right?

  2. @Anonymous at 04:26:00-- Who do you mean by "you"? And who is being blinded by all those sparks? And where did 24 years come from?? I just did some quick 2nd grade math and I get 18 years (blog started in 2006, this is 2024). And who do you mean when you say "your criminal history, do you mean one of the blog admins? If so, please provide some details.

    I'm guessing you have your own criminal past because your comment does the typical Hoofer-leader thing, it tries to divert attention away from their own malfeasance and from all the long term problems with Hoofer Sailing club management.

    1. Ah, can you actually PROVE any "malfeasance" of Hoofer Members? I have seen proof of YOURS! Or do you only engage in half-truths and hearsay? Is that what your so-called blog is all about? Minimizing your OWN guilt by claiming everyone else to be guilty. There IS a name for that, eh? Get some help.

    2. I personally witnessed a certain commodore groping a woman who definitely did not appreciate it, 5 years ago. Also overhear things regularly in the office, at BOC meetings, on the lakefront, that amount to slander.

  3. The years were a type. You and I BOTH know that you, the Fleet Kommander is the one wrote the second comment. Interesting that you make anonymous comments on own page, eh? I cannot NAME you OR your offenses, numerous, without having you strike the comment.
    Oh, 24 was a typo. Dolt. YOU are the one with a criminal past sir. I do not even have a parking ticket!

    1. Seeing if you cut off my ability to comment, Paul.

  4. Seeing if you cut off my ability to comment, Paul

  5. Hi Anonymous,
    We're leaving your comments up because they're so bonkers, and you're off base as to who owns this blog. The person you name is not the blog owner and none of the actual admins posted that earlier reply. However, your paranoia/jumping to conclusions and bad grammar is humorous, and this blog does need more humor.

    We have a good idea who you are, though. Please seek professional help asap. Your assertion that you've never even received a parking ticket totally undermines your credibility. Only The Pope has never received a parking ticket.

    And what is a "dolt"(?)? Or does that say DoIt, as in the UW Dept of Info Technology and a bad keyboard or something..?

  6. Tsk, tsk, now children, there are lots of bad boyz n girlz in Hoofers. This blog provides an outlet for their naughty urges. Thats much better than groping women and vandalizing boats as some former Commodores have been known to do.

  7. What's really pathetic is that the UW turns a blind eye and allows Hoofer's to abuse people they dont like, and, there are a number of such individuals. Getting a rating on a J or Keelboat should not be a popularity contest, and self-serving BOC members (no names) should not be able to water down the ratings so they can get one to. As for Jim R, I must say in my experience, he is an excellent sailor and teacher. I dont know what he did to incur the wrath of the abusers himself in the past but when it comes to sailing, he knows his shit. This blog would better serve Hoofer's if it wasn't so critical all the time. There are many positives to the club, but nothing is perfect of course.

    1. FINALLY! A voice of reason in these comments. Too bad the blog author does not seem to take them to heart. All they do is call everyone a criminal. Guess that tells us who IS the criminal.

  8. There are some good instructors at Hoofers, but also some awfully bad ones. In the same way there are some honest people, but dishonest ones too. In such a large organization you will always have at least a few who are several standard deviations from the norm, that's pretty bad. I personally have seen some very dicey behaviour around here, so i don't feel like this blog is criticising everyone, only those who have earned it.

  9. Is Sonya Miran able to sail on the smaller boats, like the zest or laser, or 420? I'am wondering because I have a friend who is obese too, so she may not be a good candidate for sailing.

  10. More new please, Fleet Kommander! There sure isn't much at the lake front.
