Monday, December 25, 2023

Ghosts of Hoofers Past

For those who never got to see it, the old Hoofer lounge was similar to the Mendota lounge, although smaller. But it was cozy, with wood paneling, carpeting, and a fireplace. What's left of it now is just sad, a half-assed museum exhibit designed by Union hacks. The coziness is all gone--it's a bloody hallway!--bums sleep there, and surveillance cameras track your every move (see photo).

Adjacent to the Lounge was the old Chart Room, with its wood floor, bookcases, charts(!), awards showcase, etc. Jim Rogers always disliked it because any club member could come in and browse books, magazines, and charts. He wanted the Hoofer library (and many other things) to be the private purview of his instruction staff... and now they are. After all, knowledge is power, and the more perks and favors you have to give out, the more you can get in return.

Hoofers is a case study in cronyism, just like the UW-Madison administration. How do we know the UW is plagued by cronyism and nepotism? Because if it weren't, they would do something about the rampant abuse in Hoofers.

In the new movie The Killer (2023), Michael Fassbender explains the human condition:

From the beginning of civilization, the few have always exploited the many. This is the cornerstone of civilization... Whatever it takes, make sure you're one of the few, not one of the many.

That could be the Hoofer motto. Many (900) customers, a.k.a. "club members", provide cash, romantic interests, and other pickins for the few (100) paid employees.

Eventually, of course, Rogers was out of a job--kicked out by the UW for inappropriate acts with minors. Various other individuals linger like a disease--going into remission, then popping up again in a relapse of mischief and malfeasance. Jim Rogers, Lukas Duddleston, Mills Botham, and others (who won't be named here). These crooks and operators misuse their position and/or popularity to benefit themselves and their buddies, or to solicit sexual partners (e.g. Louis Tenebruso --> Michaela Rabas, Carl Stenbol, Peter Grimmer, and many others). The fact that the BOC openly discuss how to misappropriate some $60,000 in deposits annually--and the almost total lack of interest in prosecuting this and other crimes perpetrated by club officers--reflects very poorly on the Union and UW. Most of them stick their heads in the sand, probably hoping that they won't be called out for their own misdeeds.

It's a top-down problem that starts with the crooked Union director, Mark Guthier, and the UW chancellor. The whole system is rotting. The Big Ten is now the Big 16--or is it 18 now? That's beyond ridiculous, but money and power are what it's all about. And you thought it was about sailing?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Hoofer Sailing Club!


  1. Is it true Mr Guthier left IU because he was suspected of embezzlement or misappropriation of funds, and that's why he ended up here at the UW? This would be a welcoming place for such a person.

  2. Guthier is a liar and a creep. I know from working with him at Memorial union. He will tell a person one thing, then do the exact opposite. That is the definition of a crook, so this post is right about that at least.

  3. Guthier is a liar and a creep. I know from working with him at Memorial union. He will tell a person one thing, then do the exact opposite. That is the definition of a crook, so this post is right about that at least.

  4. They say you are what you eat. Well, I've had slander and other more serious abuse shoved down my throat for the past 20 years here... so what does that make me?
