Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Packers: Hooferesque

NOV 8 UPDATE: As the A-Rod fallout continues to spread, entertaining videos of him getting slammed by various sports and TV personalities are here and here. Also, at right is the new "Hoofer highball," invented by none other than Green Bay Packers QB Aaron Rodgers. WARNING: Not recommended to prevent or treat Covid-19 or anything else. Use ivermectin only on the advice of a doctor!

NOV 5 UPDATE: Today A-Rod tried to cover himself by spewing more lies. Then he compounded those lies with even more lies, e.g. by claiming he's allergic to the vaccines. It's all very Hooferesque. And instead of getting vaccinated, he's been taking ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug for farm animals that's useless against viruses. He's also worried about the vaccine affecting his sperm count. We're worried about that too--as in, it's scary to think he might reproduce. The world has enough idiots already.

November 4— For those who weren't already aware that Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, a.k.a. A-Rod, is an A-hole, he just tested positive for Covid-19. The kicker is that he lied about his vaccination status back in August, before the start of the football season. In August he said he was immunized. Hehe, that would be immunized, not vaccinated. Clever boy, or not. Ever since, he's been going around un-masked, hugging other players, attending crowded parties, etc--to help demonstrate his supposed vaccinated status.

Anal-Rod's actress girlfriend Shailene Woodley is a big fan of "homeopathic medicine", which is what A-rod chose instead of vaccination. This goes to show the depth of harm caused by ignorance, which usually comes from a lack of education. In A-Rod's case the ignorance, which can spread like a virus, is compounded by duplicity. How does someone get to be a lying douchebag in the first place? Maybe Wis. Union management can shed some light.

For those who aren't sure what homeopathic "medicine" is, here's a great quote from Woodley, who is not a doctor:

"I first heard about the benefits of eating clay from a taxi driver."

Notice how the dishonesty (and/or ignorance) is woven right into the construct of the sentence, as if there actually were any benefits. In reality, eating clay is a medical condition where the affected compulsively eat non-food substances. It's kind of like chewing on your fingernails, only much worse.

Today Ass-Rod punted when asked if he deliberately misled everyone (read: lied) when he claimed in August to have been vaccinated, er, immunized. Wanna bet that when he finally responds, he'll claim that he thought homeopathic treatment was the same as vaccination? Of course he will. He's a sleazeball, just like Packers Head Coach Matt Lafleur who condoned it.

And that brings us to Hoofers. Is it inevitable that people in positions of authority will be dishonest douchebags, or is it the position itself that turns them into that thing..? After much discussion and beer, our opinion is that it's mostly sleazy individuals or wannabe crooks who are drawn to positions of authority in the first place.

Everyone else would rather be sailing.