Monday, February 3, 2020

Got balls?

Do you like to dance while sober? Do you often find yourself hanging out with underclassmen on Friday and Saturday nights? Are you looking for friends (and not finding any)? If so, then have we got an event for you...

It's the Hoofer Sailing Club's 2020 Snow Ball, this Friday Feb 7! If you never get invited to frat parties, and if you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or other emotional issues, then the Snow Ball is just what the doctor ordered.

There will be dancing, prancing, awkward moments, and free Kool-Aid®. There will also be lots of people who are better than you, and if you've got balls, you may be able to meet one of them. It's an opportunity to better yourself!

And did we mention: FREE of BEER!

Just don't forget to bring your balls. Beach balls, baseballs, or little glass balls (marbles). But whatever you do, don't be throwing hundreds of them (or ball bearings) out onto the dance floor!

Free antiviral masks will be handed out at the door (free with your paid registration fee).

And that's not all!! This Saturday is the Ski & Snowboard Club's RAIL JAM, which oddly enough isn't listed with the week's other events on the Union's website. If you enjoy frostbite and respond well to authority, this will be a lot of fun too.

NOTE: Events end promptly at 11:45 PM because freshman have to be back at their dorms by 12.