Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hoofers=End of Days

For anyone who missed it, last week's Isthmus predicts the end of the world--including Hoofers--as we know it, with comics illustrating the twelve signs of the apocalypse.

However, their cartoon on Hoofers doesn't really make sense. Are they suggesting that you have to be a student to buy beer at the Terrace..? Not so. Anyone including professors and UW staff can buy beer (members of the general public can get a day pass). And does the cartoon suggest that drunken Hoofers are actually timid babies that would put away their weapons and go home just because some dickless Union staffer asked them to? Everyone around the Union and Hoofers who isn't employed there does live in constant fear of breaking the rules, so many Hoofer "pirates" probably would drop what they're doing if a building manager demanded to see their IDs.

The comic is realistic in that many HSC members are not current students (not that they have to be), and the Union is already run by crooked old white boys (and young boys) who will harass anyone they don't like.

All naturally confusing to anyone encountering Hoofers or the Union for the first time. Fortunately, that will all end in 2012....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Things at the Union

Here's something to cheer you up this New Year!

Right now it's the low point of the offseason. (Ice sailing, anyone..?) Beginning in a few months however, the renovation is likely to start causing major disruption around Hoofers, in 2012 and beyond. Otherwise, things are as normal as they can be at the Union.