Thursday, December 5, 2019

Born yesterday

Someone recently shared the comic at right on the HSC Facebook page (there's another HSC FB page that is a propaganda page controlled by club insiders, but that one's not linked here). Of course, comics are funny to the degree that they reflect reality, and this one certainly does. It seems it was drawn by someone with extensive experience in Hoofers. Interesting that she or she didn't sign it, afraid perhaps of what crooked club leaders might do.

You should be afraid.

Anyone who's been abused by club leaders, had their deposit illegally withheld, been subject to discrimination or unfair hiring practices knows how true-to-life this comic is.

Even if the artist didn't intend it to mock Hoofers, this might be the funniest comic ever created to the degree that it draws attention to the crooked nature of Hoofer Sailing. Certainly on par with the best of ours. :)

The fourth panel could equally show an ad for Hoofer sailing, the doors to the boathouse, or something like that.