Monday, July 28, 2008


Eleven months into Chris Frye's one year term as commodore, no BOC minutes have yet been posted to the website by "secretary" Chas. None at all, for the past 11 months!! That's some 25 BOC meetings! Aren't minutes supposed to be posted, like, every couple of weeks..? What is Chas getting a free membership for?? (And is Chas even the secretary..? There's no way of knowing since the BOC informacion isn't current either.)

Of course, club members don't care what happens behind the scenes anyway because (a) they have no control over what happens, and (b) there are no club members! Hence, no BOC minutes.

Misinformation--or no information at all--is a standard tactic for fighting wars and for controlling other people. In that light, I guess the lack of posted minutes is perfectly comprehensible.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Trying to hide

Now that C-Cup has been fully milked, maybe the commodore has time to update the website to show this year's BOC. Eleven months into his term as commodore, the website still lists last year's BOC.

The UW-Milwaukee Sailing Club not only lists email addresses for its club officers but also their phone numbers so that club members can actually contact someone when necessary. Apparently in Hoofers, you're expected to come wander the lakefront, hoping to cross paths with the club officer you seek--not that most general club members even know what they look like. Are Hoofer leaders afraid of all the complaints they'd get if it were easier to contact them..?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Commodore's Cup to honor Beavis

Commodore's Cup officially begins tomorrow and is open to anyone, especially cool people. Sign up at the boathouse, or save your money and show up anyway.

Update--July 17: Commodore's Cup is underway and the commodore himself has been spotted on several occasions!

At least, we think he's still the commodore. But according to club rules, he cannot be because he's not a UW-Madison student, although he may have registered last fall. Unfortunately, the club's constitution is a bit vague on this. It says:

Section 1. The Commodore and Vice-Commodore shall be Sailing Club members and UW-Madison students.

Perhaps registering in the Fall is sufficient, although for all other known purposes, an individual is not considered a student during the following summer unless s/he was registered for the spring semester too. And of course, being commodore during the summer is what it's all about. This may be one for the legal gurus.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Incase there was any doubt...

As if the exclusive red lifejackets, private parties, paid training, fast-track to ratings, access to the club's library and photos, lakefront keys, and other exclusive benefits and privileges weren't enough, a new sign (see image) on the boathouse this year proclaims to general club members and everyone else who reads it--juust incase they were wondering-- that "We are cooler than you!" That is, Hoofer Sailing instructors are cooler than the other 90% of club members who are paying them.

Those of us observing Hoofers already knew that instructors were cool. Not necessarily good sailors or teachers, but extremely cool. They have every right to post large, laminated, color flyers announcing that they are cool. If I'm better than you, by God, I'm going to let people know.

Is the sign supposed to be tongue-in-cheek..? After all, it does say "you" can sail and party with "us". Hmmm. Of course, any club member can sign up for a lesson and "sail" "with" an instructor. But that's hardly sailing with someone as a friend or equal. Furthermore, instructor parties are not announced to the general club membership. Hence, to party with "us", you have to somehow find out about our parties (try climbing over the wall to the instructor cubicle), also find out where they are (locality changes from week to week), and then crash them!

Hey, if you're cool enough to party with us, you should be able to do that. (BYOB please).