Monday, December 23, 2013

Bye bye beer bongs

Reminded/inspired by a comment, we looked into UW's new alcohol policy which will take effect at the start of this coming spring semester. It's pretty scary, assuming it actually gets enforced, although in the past, enforcement of UW's alcohol policies has been haphazard at best. Every Friday social and Commodore's Ball I've ever attended has broken the existing RSO alcohol policy (which is essentially the same as the general campus policy) by not having a "beer-garden" where drunkards are kept isolated from those under 21. And of course by actually serving alcohol to those under 21.

Now they've added a kicker:

"For alcoholic beverage service to be permitted, at least two-thirds of attendees (at an event) must be above the age of 21."

Perhaps the BOC can hire older folks to show up at socials just to make sure at least 2/3 of those present are at least 21... Otherwise, they cannot reasonably claim that 2/3 of the attendees at any Hoofer Sailing event are of legal drinking age because so many are students. (The term event includes "any gathering, program, or activity" that takes place on university property.)

Another, funnier(?) requirement: "Events must have one responsible employee for the first 50 attendees, and one additional responsible employee for each 25 additional attendees. A responsible employee is defined as a faculty, limited, academic staff or classified staff appointment age 21 or over." Thus, former Hoofer Advoosigator Jim Rogers could in theory serve as a "responsible employee" at Hoofer socials! (if he hadn't been banned from the area) :D

According to UW Vice Chancellor/Crook Darrell Bazzell, "The new policy is intended to promote a safe campus environment and culture of responsibility." But, but,... no one has ever been killed in Hoofer Sailing Club. Why punish us? Beer bongs aren't even used at most HSC events.

Anyway, this is all academic because there's nothing to keep individuals from buying beer up in the Rat and then walking straight down to the lakefront with it.