Saturday, July 22, 2023

We've been so busy dealing with spam comments from former instructor Daniel Sutton on our previous post that we couldn't post this until now. But worry not! The best of C-Cup is yet to come: The Commodore's Ball starts tonight around 8 PM! Best of all, the ball is open to almost anyone! So come on down (unless you're on the short list of unwelcome guests), get sloshed, and dance the night away. But don't get too hammered, because....

In the past, individuals have been known to take boats out on which they didn't actually have a rating. Hey, if you're a good sailor, why not grab a J-boat, or maybe even a T-10? Who will ever be the wiser? (unless they're on board with you.) We'll all be awash in alcohol well before midnight, so if you can still walk, as in walk down to the lakefront and operate a motorboat or a winch, then the fleet is your oyster!

Note that we in the syndicate do not recommend or condone such unruly behavior, but it has become something of a tradition for the close of C-Cup! Heck, if nothing else, just get yourself out to one of the keelboats and go for a swim. Be sure to snag an extra bottle of wine for that. It's only against the rules to drink on Hoofers boats if you're actually sailing!