Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Let's go study party!

During the cold, dark months when about 20 users meet biweekly in the Mendota lounge to discuss club things, and the football season has ended, we wax poetic on related topics.

Our previous post noted the declining academic rankings of UW-Madison, and we all know how successful the football program has become. To go with the latter, UW-Madison once again received the coveted(?) #1 ranking in the Princeton Review for TOP PARTY SCHOOL for 2016-17. We're right up there with the likes of West Virginia U., coming in at a hot #2. Where is West Virginia anyway?

Of particular interest are the criteria used by The Review in ranking party schools: "low personal daily study hours (outside of class), high usages of alcohol and drugs on campus, and high popularity on campus for frats/sororities." Given the marginal standing of the Greek system here at UW, those first two criteria must be astronomically high. Indeed, the number of people who come to class hungover or even still drunk on Friday mornings is astonishing.

Funny you never see Princeton (or Harvard, Yale, Penn, Stanford, Berkeley,...) on that list. There were some great parties when I was at Yale, but to be fair, they are better here. Well, ya go some places for academics and other places for other things.

According to the UW's own response to the Review's rankings, 34% of UW-Madison students drink themselves silly almost every night. (Thurs through Saturday anyway.)

As Homer Simpson said: "Being drunk on a boat is called 'sailing'".