Friday, December 29, 2017

Y.A.C.H.T.* XP

Are you young? Can you handle your liquor? If so, then why not join other hip young people on a cruise in the Bahamas this March! That's a cruise in the Bahamas, not to the Bahamas. You'll have to get yourself to Nassau prior to departure (no refunds if you arrive late).

The price is just $1300** or so for a week of total annihilation. There will be beer, rum, tequila... you name it. You'll have to buy it too, as this cruise is BYOB.

The graph above plots Hoofer alcohol policy vs. Yacht XP over time. Is it coincidence that Yacht XP's inception occurred right after alcohol was banned from Hoofer keelboats in 2014? You'll have to judge that for yourself.

Most organizers and participants are current or ex- Hoofers and their friends. Yacht XP's own Greg Bammel organized the last, semi-successful Hoofer cruise in 2014. After that, official Hoofer cruises were disallowed due to expensive screw-ups on the last two, so Yacht XP is now the only Hoofer-related*** way to get out on the water, get drunk, and get wasted!

Anyway, for under $2000 (probably--airfares to Nassau in March can be expensive), you can come and get shlt-faced with other young people and make up for all those times you wanted to drink on board Hoofer boats last summer but could not!

Note that the price goes up the longer you wait, e.g. signing up in January costs $1400**. If that seems expensive, it might be because Yacht XP gives big discounts to the skippers--who are hoping to get a free ride on you.

Hey, isn't that how it works in Hoofers too?

*Yet Another Crazy Hoofer Trip?
**Plus beer, liquor, transportation to Nassau, personal expenses, bar tabs, your share of any boat damage, etc.
***NOTE that Yacht XP is not officially part of Hoofers any more, but the two did have a formal relationship.