Saturday, July 14, 2012

Drinking games

UPDATE: A video of Hoofer "battletits" is now here.

Commodore's Cup 2012 is underway!

[CLICK for Schedule (requires javascript be enabled)]

To kick off the coming week's activities, and in honor of the rather lame movie Battleship that came out this spring, today's event consisted of some poor fools, er, contestants, lying on their backs on either side of a wall (two folding tables turned sideways) throwing foam balls at one other.

This did not look like fun, at least not for the participants. Lying on your back on the board pier in the hot sun blindly tossing foam balls into the air..? How frustrating and possibly humiliating, at least if they were sober and/or knew the real purpose of the event.

That, of course, was live entertainment for long-time male Hoofer members so they could watch the C-cup activity as bikini-clad female team members—lying on their backs—tossed things at eachother. Nothing wrong with that, to be sure... and the sidewalk along the board pier was standing room only. Man, you missed it.

But how about using water balloons next time instead of plastic balls!