Saturday, July 16, 2011

Parallels in Nature

Just came across this article in Thursday's New York Times (citing a research report in Science). There are some uncanny parallels to Hoofers. What's most incredible is that UW administrators allow such unsupervised monkey-business.

So we all know who the "alpha males" are, as well as the lowest ranking males, but who would fill the role of beta male(s) in this paradigm..? They are apparently in the best position of all.

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011 Club Portrait

Here is this year's official Hoofer Sailing Club photo! NOTE: If it doesn't include you, that's because you're not in the club.

The real club, of course, consists exclusively of instructors (and a few B.O.C. members and ex-instructors, not pictured). After all, we control the boats, we give out ratings and take them away, we can sail whatever boats we like, we get all sorts of perks including free annual memberships, we have private weekly parties to which 90% of HSC "members" are not invited (but which are paid for by them), etc.

That 90%--the other 9 out of 10 Hoofer Sailing Club "members" like you--are really just paying customers. But hey, that doesn't mean you won't be admitted to the club eventually. Do what it takes and you've got a chance! Here are some suggestions that might help you crack the real membership:

1) Buy beer for current instructors as often as you can.
2) Keep joining Hoofers every year as a paying member.
3) Come to lots of meetings (you're not allowed at instructor meetings, though).
4) Say funny stuff at socials.
5) Be good looking.

That's about all there is to it! Sailing skills are NOT required. (In fact, sailing expertise can be counterproductive--you don't want to show up your current instructor, e.g. on a lesson, because s/he may not be a very good sailor.)