Thursday, July 10, 2008

Commodore's Cup to honor Beavis

Commodore's Cup officially begins tomorrow and is open to anyone, especially cool people. Sign up at the boathouse, or save your money and show up anyway.

Update--July 17: Commodore's Cup is underway and the commodore himself has been spotted on several occasions!

At least, we think he's still the commodore. But according to club rules, he cannot be because he's not a UW-Madison student, although he may have registered last fall. Unfortunately, the club's constitution is a bit vague on this. It says:

Section 1. The Commodore and Vice-Commodore shall be Sailing Club members and UW-Madison students.

Perhaps registering in the Fall is sufficient, although for all other known purposes, an individual is not considered a student during the following summer unless s/he was registered for the spring semester too. And of course, being commodore during the summer is what it's all about. This may be one for the legal gurus.


  1. The current Commodore is not a UW-Madison student, but yet his drinking buddies let him hold office and are about to give him a free lifetime membership. (A value worth of thousands of dollars.)
    It appears that if you buy drinks for the right drinking crowd, that you're exempt from the club's rules. Yet these same spiteful people throw dues-paying members out of the club for no good reason. Where's the fairness?

  2. Hmmm....except, the commodore doesn't have to be a student in the summer, only during the school year.

  3. And, is the head jackass a student at the UW during the school year?

    Help us out, buddy.

  4. The UW Sailing Club constitution states that "...the Commodore must be a UW-Madison Student".
    (The current Commodore has not been a UW-Madison student for any part of his term of office).

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I guess my comment was deleted because I mentioned someone by name.

    How 'bout this: After seeing pictures of certain Hoofers with their shirts off, I now know why they call it the C-Cup.

    How's that?

    One other bit of advice for male Hoofers: Consider manscaping if you're going to take your shirts off. Electric trimmers are cheap these days. It never hurts to whack the weeds, boys.
