Sunday, August 4, 2019

Culture of dishonesty

On Friday, former UW wide receiver Quintez Cephus was found not guilty of sexual assault (rape). Prosecutors argued that the two women who accused him were too drunk to consent to having sex, but it took the jury just 30 minutes to agree that the prosecution was full of shit.

Cephus and former teammate Danny Davis, both of whom are black, testified that the two women, who are white, were not as drunk as they claimed and that they spontaneously undressed after entering Cephus' apartment. Incredibly, the UW-Madison detective who interviewed one of Cephus' accusers in her dorm room shortly after the encounter didn't even note how drunk she was. And this guy is a detective?

The moral is: if a woman voluntarily goes into a man's apartment, gets naked, and then signals for attention, those actions amount to consent.

The Cephus case appears to be yet another instance of women with emotional problems refusing to take responsibility for their actions and making false allegations to try to throw the blame.

Certainly sexual assaults do occur, as with former student Alec Cook who was expelled and subsequently convicted of felony sexual assault. Yet, even in that case, it is evident that one or more of his accusers lied. One has to wonder how much of the truth got lost in the vitriol of that case.

False reports

The Cephus case has eerie parallels in Hoofers. Former commodores have been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment but were not convicted--probably for lack of any wrongdoing.

False reports may be more common than generally believed. In a 2016 case, a woman reported that she had been sexually assaulted by three men near Memorial Union. Her story turned out to be utter crap--possibly induced by lingering trauma from a supposed previous assault years earlier. For all anyone knows, that one was bogus too.

Former Wis. Union student building manager Abby Panozzo also claimed that she was raped, in 2006. However, her story falls apart to reveal not a rape but a deeply disturbed woman. No charges were ever filed.

The rate of false reports of sexual assault is supposedly 5-10% but may actually be much higher. Moreover, that number doesn't include baseless reports (where a person reports something that actually occurred but is not a crime) or the far more prevalent and insidious problem of embellished reports. The vast majority of reports are likely embellished to some degree. As a dumb but honest cop once said, everybody lies.

How many women end up naked in a guy's bed because their parents never taught them how to say "no"? It may indeed be the parents' fault; the problem is that innocent men are often harmed by the ensuing false police report. And how many young women are damaged goods as a result?--time bombs waiting to wreck some guy's life. If you're a young woman and you don't want to have sex, JUST SAY NO. Don't get drunk, take your clothes off, and then say no.

Speaking of taking your clothes off, keep in mind that over a dozen surveillance cameras now observe part or all of the lakefront area. No doubt Union administrators, most of whom have never seen a live naked human before, are hoping that someone does take their clothes off...


  1. WWW.ProjectVirgil.Org was founded by a former hoofer for this exact reason. Many hoofers have been taken down because of false allegations like this. More often then not its handled quietly, and some other bogus reason is given, but we all know why.

  2. It Takes a Community toWed Aug 07, 12:36:00 PM PDT

    We need to foster a culture that is more supportive of both men and women at Hoofers. if ever there was a good reason for NOT having alcohol at Hoofers this it. I'm not against folks having a good old time but when people have a few they become different than when they are sober. Often this leads to much regret for the over-imbibers that do foolish and even criminal things that they would not normally do.

    In terms of community effort, we do not want sexual assaults of any degree committed anywhere. I think that is a good goal. Let's make that part of our new club ethos and fly it as proudly as we do the club burgee.

  3. The culture at hoofers is already plenty supportive of women. Women are appointed and hired specifically because they are women, often over more qualified men.

    What we need is to foster a culture of equality, instead of empowerment. This article is long overdue. Women who make false accusations should face the same punishment as the man they falsely accused would have faced.

    Plain and simple Sexual assault does not happen anywhere near as often as it is reported, and false allegations are never reported. We have no defense mechanism in place to guard against them, and every mechanism to prevent and come down on those that are accused, guilty or not.

    This is a huge problem especially with the Pound Me Too movement that is openly paying women to make false accusations to sway everything from elections to supreme court nominations. This is not UW, Hoofers, or Wisconsin specific. It is a Nationwide epidemic.

    1. Chancellor Blank begs to differ with you. Results from the 2019 American Association of Universities survey on sexual assault and misconduct show in 2019, 26.1 percent of female undergraduate students at UW-Madison reported having experienced some form of sexual assault.

      Bottom Line: Stop being like The Donald and treat women with respect ---and none of that Justice Kavanaugh business either.

    2. I took a look at that report and it's all soft statistics. The number 26.1 occurs 13 times in the pdf, and describes all sorts of different things, and never associated with the UW, so i can't even tell where you got that. The whole report is a mess of survey results, just people's personal opinion as to whether they were sexually assaulted or harassed, including highly subjective things like "harassment" and "stalking".

      All of this sexual harassment stuff could be eliminated if we simply engineer the human race to be asexual. then, each of us will be able to bud asexually and won't have to deal with strangers wanting to put their pistol into your petunia. It might take a few years, but it would totally solve the problem. If there actually is a problem. Most times it's just a girl who isn't interested and screams harassment after a guy talks to her twice, or she got drunk had sex and then regrets it.

  4. What planet are you from? Or culture? Prove to us one, single example of a woman being promoted to instructor ahead of a more qualified man. There are none. I know this to be true.

    In the event you have not noticed, women view sex differently than men. Women need some emotional context into which to place their relationship with a man. Read the Naked Ape by Desmond Morris in order to educate yourself a bit more.

    This difference between a woman and a man is nothing more than evolution. Nor is the fact that the Human Male generally wants to screw any women he sees.

    For the male most commonly sees the immediate opportunity for "release", driven by the innate desire to procreate, while the woman is looking toward the future.

    Do you REALLY believe what you wrote above? If you do, you are tragically wrong. It is not UP to the woman to prove that she was assaulted. That is what a rape kit and a 911 call are for.

    Does their need to be some proof? Yes, of course. And any law enforcement knows methods to validate a story. Methods that I do not feel worth passing along to you.

    But the burden OF that proof should rest with the man. Do you have ANY idea of what it takes for a woman to report a stalking or an assault? Do you have ANY idea how few of these are made up by a woman? Clearly you do not.

    1. The burden of proof should Lie with the man?!? are you from MARS?!? Innocent Until PROVEN GUILTY!!!

      Yes I do kno0w what it takes for a woman to make an accusation. It takes a phone call, and in most cases a monetary incentive. Ask attorney Lisa Bloom, who is a wymen's rights activist. caught offering up to $750,000 each to help women "Remember" things our president might have done. Shameless.

      this is an epidemic in society, and false accusers harm real victims.

  5. "the Human Male generally wants to screw any women he sees"

    You might, but I am highly selective. In any case, deliberate false reports are probably not be the real problem. Rather, a skewed view of things leads to misunderstandings. for example, a woman see a guy at Walgreen's, then at the library, then at Hoofers. Oooooh no, he must be stalking her. She starts giving him odd looks, he notices the odd looks, and... you can take it from there.

    Or, a woman doesnt enjoy her physical encounter nearly as much as she thought she would, and she seems to recall saying no, or at least "put on a condom", so she thinks maybe it was a rape. When in reality it was just a lousy time.

    That linked website says only 1 in 17 rapes are reported. Absurd. As far as validating a story, never happens. They just choose to believe one person or the other. Also absurd.

  6. I know many vindictive women that have made fake rape/assault charges to get back at an ex. Or report "Inappropriate behavior" because something didn't go their way. In these United States however, Innocence is supposed to be presumed until proven otherwise. UW Campus and Hoofers in particular always assume the man is guilty until he can prove he didn't. Many women take advantage of that and seek "Victim Status".

    I agree, if a guy rapes or assaults a girl he should be locked up. But I also feel if a woman falsely accuses it as we've seen time and time again, she should go to prison also.

    Reporting something after 5 years should be banned also, it robs the guy of being able to produce witnesses or evidence in his defense.

    Furthermore, an unsubstantiated report or one after 5 years should be considered slander or libel. It does grievous damage to the mans reputation that he cannot possibly overcome.

    Next, and Finally, if the women in the above case were too drunk to legally consent and were walking about, why were they not arrested for disorderly conduct and public intoxication?

    1. And on the last two comments? I rest my case. Nothing more to be said that you would understand....and one of these is clearly the author of this blog.

    2. Nothing more said that I would understand? Sir, your powers of understanding what we have said rank between a caterpillar, and a cane toad. or do you just assume you are always right and the burden is on us to understand your one sided argument? If so, your ignorance knows no bounds.

      I have news for you, men are people too. entitled to the same rights and liability afforded to women.

      If an accusation is raised, Audi Alteram Partem. If she lied, or cannot substantiate her claim in any way, presumption of innocence must be given to the accused!

      For those who make astounding claims, astounding evidence must be given. this is the bedrock of not only the US court system but to scientists the world over.

      Women do not deserve to be believed, they deserve to be heard, and until such time as they can offer substantiation, the presumption of innocence must remain intact. But if it is damaging to the accused, she should be held liable to make him "whole". and if he damaged her, he needs to make her "whole".

      We do not suffer a rape "Culture" it is dealt with most severely when it occurs. but we do suffer from a False accusation problem. and there is currently no recourse against those most grievous of offenses.

  7. Omg, i can't believe you brought up Abby P. I knew her some years ago when she worked at the union. Very messed up young woman. She acted like she was on drugs most of the time, saying strange things, staring off into the distance and so on. Clearly a few ring-dings shy of a functional rig.

    Anything she said, or any woman says, or anyone says for that matter, should be eyed skeptically until evidence is provided, as one commenter above has noted.

    1. Thank you, also another Woman Named with an A for first name, and the Surname of a famous WW2 General. All it takes to ruin a guys life is just a suggestion.

      Hoofers has an openly hostile toward men "Culture" where women can do no wrong. Rhis is the problem with a group that fosters Empowerment, over Equality. Empowerment must be pushed back against, and Equality embraced. Elsewise you wind up in a Misandrist dystopia like we have found ourselves in.

      Madison is laughed at by outsiders, as much as the Socialist Democrats Conference in Atlanta a week ago is. Where Clapping, gender specific pronouns and Aggressive scents are seen as the biggest threat to open discussion of ideas and collaboration.

      Madison earned its spot as the number 3 most bat shit crazy place in the entire USA for a reason. Behind San Fransisco, and Key West.

  8. Uh, I think you two are talking about the same girl. AP, former BOC. Haven't seen her on the lake shore in a while, tho.

    Her Indian names are "Doe with legs spread wide" and "She who says no AFTER sex".

  9. What would your mothers say?Sat Aug 10, 01:37:00 PM PDT

    Nothing but misogynism here. You guys should be ashamed. You had mothers, right? Well, I'm sure they didn't raise you to treat women this way.

  10. Hey you REALLY want to denigrate your so-called blog to the tawdry theme that you propose here? You serve only to demean yourself. Worse, if you start naming names (through implied initials) then perhaps someone else shall start naming yours.

  11. @Anonymous at 01:37: How dare you bring up people's mothers. Did you have a daddy? What if his first girlfriend, before he ever met your mother, had falsely accused him of sexual harassment of assault or stalking or rape? It could have ruined his life reputation and career, and he never would have met your mother, and you wouldn't be here now to fight for empowerment.

    This thread is not misogynist, it is a serious discussion about a very serious problem. At least, as serious as you can have on a blog like this. Namely, false reports made by, for the most part women against men. Where should we discuss it, on Facebook? Anyone who says anything negative there gets destroyed, right or wrong.

    Trying to shame people for discussing it is a standard tactic, meant to steer attention away from the real perpetrators. Society needs to accept that false accusation happen with regularity, and do something about it. If you were abused as a child or by your ex, that's too bad, but it doesn't give you the right to later falsely accuse an innocent person when you have a flashback.

    As for naming AP, she put her name out there herself, on the website linked to in the blog. I guess she wanted everyone to know about her issues.

  12. Love Will Find A WaySun Aug 11, 09:15:00 AM PDT

    It's one thing to have a high-level topic. It is another to denigrate individual men or women by name. In my estimation, it is worthy to discuss the fear most men now have of being falsely accused.

    Most men would have to be a crazy risk-takers to even attempt to woo or court the ladies they fancy. Today, there is way too much downside. Falsely accused? Kind acts misinterpreted as nefarious? Blurred memories from an alcohol-fueled night turned into a hybrid narrative of fact and fiction. Being around women is no longer safe for any man! We are like the African-Americans so routinely accused for doing nothing more than being continuously suspect (wrongly I might add!) in our society.

    I am very sorry that so many male @dze-holes treated women like dirt. Mutual respect carries the day. But, I have definitely pulled back on the whole dating scene. It's putting your reputation, freedom and livelihood on the line for what? A chance at meeting and falling in love with that special person? Right. That's a longshot now. And very sad for us men that do love women and want to have a true relationship that may lead to a family together.

  13. Oh, get over yourself. Have YOU ever seen a strong woman reduced to a blubbering pile of jelly by an active stalker? Have YOU ever seen some so-called male creature hit on a woman because he thought that he would was her best choice? Have YOU ever seen a woman suffer through some man tell her that he can give her the best orgasm ever? Have YOU? Have you EVER seen anything like this? Are there false reports? Sure. But they are few and far between. Look around any bar and see, SEE what is going on around you! WHO is the aggressor? If you do not understand this, you are likely a mindless collection of transplant glands.

    Quit defending yourself. The truth shall set you free.

    1. False accusations are not rare or far between, they are common place and often weaponized. Having grown up w sisters, trust me just ask a woman if she knows a vindictive bitch who would...

      It destroys lives. Contact project Virgil if you dont believe me, I know of the work they've done, and many hoofers they've helped.

  14. After research, and by a sheer fluke of what appears to be coincidence. there are, in fact, 2 (TWO) different deranged women, former employees with initials of AP. One was a building Manager, one was on BOC, Both made ridiculous accusations proven false, one for fame, one for money, both failed.

    Goes to show this is not a rare problem.


  15. Stop Making Non-SenseMon Aug 12, 08:24:00 AM PDT

    The posters and hosters here have something in common with others. No doubt, you were Dad-deprived as boys.

  16. Lol, Straw man argument. Noone here hates women, bud. We strongly dislike when they level false allegations for attention tho. We also dislike differential treatment. We believe in equality. Not empowerment.

    1. Oh, we see. That is why we have so few women instructors, right? Circular logic.

  17. to Anonymous Blubbering pile: A STRONG woman would not be reduced to jelly. She would confront the supposed stalker, who is probably not a stalker at all but a grad student from a former Soviet republic who is not familiar with American customs, and find that he is nice, shy, intelligent, and possibly even more desirable than the upwardly mobile corporate minion drunken frat boy who spends three nights a week at the Shed.

    A WEAK woman, who was raised improperly by divorced parents, would just avoid him until it drove her crazy, then call the police and exaggerate everything he did.

    I think until the 1990s, what is now called stalking was known as "persistence".

    Also, if a woman doesnt want to get hit on or hear about orgasms, then she shouldn't be slamming iced teas at the Shed either.

    1. Wow.....I do not even know how to respond to this. Your view of strong women must be absolutely frightening. Because I saw it happen repeatedly in front of me on multiple occasions.
      It happens. It should not. And I do not name names. But whoever you are? You should be ashamed of yourself.

  18. Ouch. So by her being in a public place drinking she loses her right to be offended or feel queasy over some drunken loser saying inappropriate things?

    What a bunch of latent misanthropes blathering on about women. Men, and I use that term lightly, you are blaming women for the fact that none of them are interested in you. Or, your slick pick-up lines with orgasms as the opening salvo. Yeah, what a bunch of smooth operators ye are. Not!

    My wish for the disgruntled sad lonely hearts club band here is that the sex robots help to fill the void in what must be sad and lonely lives. And they'd have to be robots to put up with this gibberish.

    Stepford Wives for the Lonely Hearts Club Band. Maybe we can do a fund raiser for you. Sell butt plugs and pacifiers in your honor.

  19. R I G H T O N !!!!!!!!

  20. Oh, ass-wipe Fleet Kommander, see what I do for your circulation? Can I get royalties?


  21. Put a Plug in, You sound like someone who encourages his girlfriend to make false police reports about other men, whenever one threatens your monopoly on her services. Far fetched? Nope, I know of at least two guys who have done exactly that in the past 4 years. It is a move well known in certain frats, to be used judiciously of course.

    As for women going to a public place that happens to be a *bar*, and getting drunk, that has only one objective: to meet guys. Of course not every guy who approaches her will be Mr. Right, but, if she doesn't want to be approached by drunken slobs maybe she should shop online.

  22. Ah, what makes you think that I am a man? But on your comment, women should not GO to a bar to pound a few down and take away the blues, but it is okay for a MAN to do so? Bit of a double standard. You need to stay home more. Or get older and enjoy not having so much testosterone. Have a great night. Hunting.

  23. Anon 7:31,
    Dont worry, I dont think anyone ever has, or ever will think you are a man. Why the double standard on "Women deserve to be believed when they cry rape" but men dont deserve to be believe when they say they didn't?

    I am for a public trial, and if she is found to have lied, or cannot substantiate, or if she is claiming it after 5 years, then she deserves to go to prison for the same term he would have faced if found guilty. Plain and reasonably simple

  24. So you shift the burden of proof from the accused to the accuser? Have I got that right?

    1. Tom Robinson, TKAMTue Aug 13, 11:16:00 PM PDT

      Uh, yes... You do know this is the fundamental basis of out criminal justice system, right? The accuser must provide proof, not the accused. The accused is to be assumed innocent until proven otherwise, sound familiar? presumption of innocence?

      I'm only proposing we do that too with accusations women make. We should presume the guy innocent, until proven guilty in a court of law, in a speedy manner in front of a jury of his peers, with the ability to compulse testimony and present evidence on his behalf... I forget how ignorant UW students are of this 200 year old tennet of the US judicial system. How could they forget the constitution they aren't taught after all...

      Currently accusations are believed no evidence needed, and students punished with no due process, Hoofers suspends sailors without the ability to defend themselves, etc.

      We are just suggesting that maybe if you arent too busy, idk, men can be treated as people too.

  25. T Robinson. the MockingbirdTue Aug 13, 11:22:00 PM PDT

    Honestly, I feel bad for the mothers, who send their boys to hoofer youth, knowing their children can be branded for the rest of their lives for making a small mistake, or for making the wrong girl angry.

    To be a Madison mom in this day and age has to be either ignorant of the problem, or sending their sons to slaughter, willingly.

  26. Oh, I see where your mind is going. You want chastity belts, mom home wearing a skirt when dad comes home from work. 1950's America, right? But listen, I have a news flash for you; Men and Women are equal. If a woman can die in a war for us, then she should be able to get tanked in a bar and be left alone! Another news flash; a small percentage of women in bars are not looking for sex. Nor are all men looking for sex. Equal, see?

  27. make that, "a small percentage of women in bars are looking for sex" Mostly they are just with friends. Kind of like men.

  28. I agree that some women in bars are not looking for sex or to get picked up, but many are and the rest know what bars are for. Some men also are not, for example those who already have a girlfriend. However some men are still looking to upgrade, and it is good to keep one's pickup skills finely tuned, so even guys who have girlfriends (who are preferaby not at the bar with them) will chat up single women. We also do that to keep other guys, who don't have girlfriends, from getting any. If women want to go out drinking and not constantly hear pick-up lines, try A8 China. However if you are going to the Shed, City bar, KK, or Monday's especially in the old days, don't complain.

    1. Speaking of picking up women, this article is eye opening and somewhat related:

      Any man who doesn't want to seed the human race with his DNA must have a hormonal imbalance. Of course, most men other than Genghis Khan have no chance of doing anything meaningful to alter the gene pool. What is interesting is that the converse also occurs: men trying to keep other men from spreading their genes, as alluded to by commenter above. Both can result in criminal behaviour. For example, Epstein collecting and trafficking in very young women to impregnate, or Hoofer leaders slandering other men to drive them off, thereby giving themselves a better chance at Hoofer women.

      A corollary might be, if they are not slandering you, you must not be perceived as competition.

  29. @Kyle, not everyone is up on their WW II generals. Can you give another hint?

  30. I think the blog authors here are much like Humbert Humbert in the movie Lolita. Absolutely obsessed. But, wasn't Lolita aware of her special powers over Humbert Humbert and used him to her own ends?

    Kubrick's movie from 1962 is worth a watch. Informs this timely conversation.

    Good luck buckaroos!

  31. Yessir, it sure does inform. CQ is trying to confuse the issue, women who make false accusations, with some nonsense about aberrant sexuality. Well, I have seen the latter too in Hoofers: male employees leering at 15 year old girls in swimsuits.

    Worse, male sailing instructors, in their 40's or 50's, leering after underage *boys*, and inappropriately touching them. Would not surprise me if "CQ" is one of those instructors.

    Parents: do you know where your children are?

    1. Sure you have seen older men touching underage boys. And as Whitley Streiber once proposed; Aliens walk among us.

      You have no idea how many lessons I have been on, shadowed, or have seen being given by others. Never once have I see inappropriate touching. Ever.

      Grab a kids shoulder to boost yourself up onto the fore deck in order to explain tell-tales and the like? Sure. but I tell them what I am doing first.

      But any logical person is going to tell you that if it happens at all, a male instructor grabbing a young man by his privates in FULL view of five other students is absurd.

      You were more on the mark with older, say sixty-two year old men stalking young girls.

      Wow. From what I read hear from all of you, this club is a cesspool of sexual activity, corruption, abuse of both boys and women, and on, and on, and on.

      Been around awhile.....have only seen two really sad incidents. I shall not name the men involved, but if you are at all sharp, you will know.

      And if it IS that bad, where in hell are you in reporting it to the police? Please do not tell me that they do not care, okay? I have done so, and the response was immediate, brutal, and just.

  32. At Anon-Above 12:00:00 PM PDT

    Brilliant and to the point. Thank you. Great Club and proud to be a Hoofer.

  33. Anonymous at 12:00: First, I did not say it happened on a lesson, or that private parts were involved. It happens in situations where the instructor thinks no one will see, like the lake lab or sail storage room. The instructor brushing the boy's arm or leg, and pressing up against him from behind a little more than necessary, while sliding a rolled up sail back into its hole. I doubt the boy even realized anything inappropriate had occurred.

    Who knows what gets a guy off, but an adult man should cringe at the thought of touching young male flesh. The fact that I have witnessed it at all suggests it happens more often. Was it the sort of thing you report to police? Sure, if you want to stir up trouble. If it happened as you suggest, blatantly on a lesson in plain site of other students, of course it would get reported.

    Two, you admit you have seen incidents yourself, so I rest my case.

  34. Actually I did NOT admit that I've seen any such incidents other than old, smarmy guys stalking young girls.

    But I DO make a point of telling ANY student that I need to touch them on the shoulder or the like to get to the fore-deck.

    So, to your mind, if you have seen it once, it must be happening ALL of the time, right?
    Wow. Good thing that the world does not run on your observations. I am done with this, because you are beyond convincing of anything. Unless you were the perpetrator?

  35. And back to the topic of the overuse of false allegations to get attention, or to get yet another male suspended/thrown out, or for flat out money...

  36. "Grab a kids shoulder to boost yourself up onto the fore deck"

    Hmm, if you are talking about on a sloop, I've never had to do that. I can't even quite picture it. Normally one would use the sidestay, or step on the seat, or hell, just hop up there. Are you old and dicrepit, or do you too enjoy the feel of young skin?

    It is a bit scary that even those who deny that there is child abuse in Hoofers hint in their own comments, not intentionally it would seem, that they too are involved or have observed such behavior.

    Anyway, probably less widespread than women who make malicious false reports.

  37. Capt. Crooked, reading your post above the first paragraph is erotic in a Robert Mapplethorpe kind of way.

    "The instructor brushing the boy's arm or leg, and pressing up against him from behind a little more than necessary, while sliding a rolled up sail back into its hole. I doubt the boy even realized anything inappropriate had occurred."

    Well if the instructor missed the sail slot the kid might wonder why he has a sail sticking out of his ___! And that would get reported. Probably.

    Hey the real problem here is FEAR! Men are fearful of having interactions with women as they could wind-up losing their freedom or livelihood. What if it is a false claim that is later recanted? Whomever was accused now carries a taint about them for the rest of their lives. No judge or lawyer or civil suit resulting in paid damages can reverse. It's game over!

    But what happens to the accuser who recants? Not much. Does she carry a taint about her? No. Generally people will accept or project that it wasn't her fault and probably changed the story for A, B or C reasons which are valid.

    Men, we are in a bad place now. The best thing is to go out on the town with men and women. Bring a lady friend who can present a reasonable account in front of the judge. Crazy, but your salvation from women falsely tainting you might just be another woman.

  38. I echo that 100%, not always practical to do all that tho.

    And, to Anonymous at 0835: By "stalking" you probably mean a guy not averting his eyes when an undergrad in a bikini walks by. Your clueless self-righteousness is scary, and dangerous.

  39. No, by stalking, I mean a guy who tries to rub up against a woman thirty years his junior.

    By stalking, I mean a guy who corners her under the canopy to demand that she go sailing with him.

    By stalking her, I mean that he follows her to the post office, and pretends to work in one of the buildings so that he can make certain that she SEES him watching her.

    By stalking her, I mean that he pushed it so far the the woman moved out of her home town of Madison. Why? Because she never felt safe. He RUINED a life. One wonders if he is proud of it...whoever he may be.

    By stalking her, I mean that she finally went to UWPD, and the system did what is does. Gave him a warning. And ruined her life.

    So then, my friend, who is the next victim? Who is the next young woman whose life shall be ruined because this sick fuck gets a kick out of ruining lives.

    Or, more frighteningly, actually DOES think that he is attractive enough that they will give him a roll in the hay>

    That do it for you? That answer your question about averting eyes? Hell, I see it too.

    But do you want to know what I think? They are kids. I have daughters that age. And they can dress however they like.

    You need to think about some of what I have said above. Especially if you have a daughter of your own.

    IF you do, think about guys like this smarmy piece of scum eyeing them. Does THAT put it in perspective for you? Lord, I hope so.

    Hearts and flowers. I shall never, NEVER look at the crap that this this sick fuck puts out again.

    You all can live in your own hell.

    Hearts and flowers

  40. Okay....last time so that you can get this right. You do not even KNOW who I am talking about unless you are the Fleet Kommander.

    He was NOT falsely accused. I WATCHED this all happen, at least six times. This individual had already BEEN thrown out of the club for at least one similar incident, as well as a number of other reasons.

    So there is switch one....the truth. Switch two? She was an intelligent, strong, and kind woman. Reduced to an emotional mess by some pig who thinks he is gods gift to women.

    As to moving? You that that is okay? How would YOU like to be forced to pull up YOUR roots and move to another city because you knew someone was always watching you. Waiting for a chance to do who knows what.

    So if you think she is a bitch, do your own two-switch. He is a smarmy, greasy, turd. And yeah, I know who wrote under the name "Jason". Don't be so obvious next time.

    Sad that you find the need to defend yourself be denigrating others. But that is classic transference. What ever do you see in the mirror each day? It seems as though it would be frightening.

    Hearts and Flowers

  41. Cephus is back after being sidelined with an accusation. Although physically doing alright, his reputation is disfigured and scarred the rest of his life. Even if he outperforms all other players, he will not get picked as a first round or have lucrative promotion deals.

    That is a lot to lose just for a threesome. Was it worth it? Have to ask Cephus 'bout that.

  42. Whassup? No more commenting anymore?

  43. A-non, how many beers did you have before "seeing" some guy "stalk" a woman at hoofers? Hmm, or how many times were you rejected by this very same woman? Omg, your rants are hysterical. I witnessed it! I witnessed it! Hey, grab me another pitcher of spotted cow on your way back from the bathroom!

  44. Ah, I do not drink. I was instructing this student with THREE others. Always!

    My words are not rants, either. They are what a sober man, who has daughters older than she was, saw right in front of my eyes.

    SHE did not want to file a complaint at first, for fear of retribution. When she had had enough she did. And the justice system failed her.

    And you fall back on Cephus? Likely a nice kid, but with a bit of bad judgement. Since you are all still full of testosterone you likely think that he was the victim.

    BUT THEY ALL WERE! Do you think that jocks should be let off the hook because they have more potential than women?

    Hearts and Flowers

    And NOW I shall not comment anymore. Most of the people on this blog, INCLUDING the sick turd that writes it, do not listen anyway. You have it all nailed down, right? Until the day comes that you do not.

  45. Ah, if you dont drink, then you are not in Wisconsin, ergo you could not have witnessed anything. EVERYONE in Wisconsin drinks. You say you have daughters of college age, but I'll bet u r really an undergrad, not an instructor. You use way too much nasty language for an old guy.

    That is, unless you are an angry old guy, in which case you DEFINITELY drink. You just lost all your street cred bud.

  46. "For atleast one similar incident, as well as many other reasons." Usually means, he reported the wrong person, or was falsely accused so we had to make up alot of things, so he has no hope of defending himself against them all.

    Typical club policy, sadly this happens more often than you think. You may not know who YOU are talking to/about A-Non.

    Again if its the girl I think you mean, she comes across as strong, puts a brave face in things, over extends herself gets in too deep and cries rape/assault to get out of it and get pity. She has done it many times in her past. It is her go-to for stressful situations. You may be her next victim. The girl is a pathological liar. One lie to cover up another, until RAPE!!!

    smarmy isn't oft used in this country btw, you've shown your cards.

    Jason Returns

  47. ever seen Don the Deal man and Crystal the Pistol on the commercial for Goban used cars? Smarmy is actually, if you had a brain, a multi-cultural word.

    Worse? You are talking about the wrong woman. You KNOW that you are. But of course you know all about it Fleet Kommander, right? Because you know all about everything!

    The cards that YOU have shown prove the point of my last few comments. You are a sick man. One of those who thinks young girls are turned on to him.

    When what you REALLY are? Is a predator. You seem to get some sort of power trip out of ruining young women's lives. Least I hope that is all it is.

    Because if you think that they are actually attracted to you, well, I've seen you on certain posters and in person. You are a greasy, pizza faced, SMARMY, idiot. Impressed with your control over other women. A predator.

    Lastly, if you want to start using initials and NAMES, how about I use YOUR initials and name? You do not know me, you cannot find me, and you cannot file and lawsuits against me.

    Why? Because I speak the truth. A truth so vastly different from the one the you portray as to make me want to vomit.

    So go ahead. Delete this, or leave it and demean ANYONE who has the temerity to point out traits and faults that should be obvious to you.

    WHO showed their cards, Jason?

    Hearts and FLowers

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Yikes, it looks like I got back from Europe just in time. Not that there's no internet over there, just way too much other stuff going on.

    A-Non, we do appreciate your comments--they take us back to high school, where one clique was always trashing another. However, the profanity is a bit much, especially the f-word, so that comment is up for deletion. We also removed your(?) latest short comment because no one here is "preying on women" as you put it, and you seemed to be directing that at the blog authors.

    We don't mind criticism, e.g, sick turd, for instance. I personally find that one amusing--two four letter words strung together in a new and creative way. But if you could somehow tell the same stories, e.g. strong women learning to sail and then fleeing the city or whatever, without profanity or nasty insults, that would be great.

  50. is it that you always find a way to delete things that hit too close to the mark. Do you not have a spine? Is THAT why you feel stronger when you prey on young girls.

    Turd (you SAID I could use it Fleet Kommander).

  51. There is a double standard that typically takes place. When a male teacher has relations of a sexual nature with a female student the masses are ready to charge in with pitchforks and a noose. And, rightfully so!

    But, when a female teacher has relations with a 16 year old male student, there is less outrage. Why? Most men look at the female teacher's photo and are like, 'Whoa! Way to go little dude rockin it with teach-ahhh'. No idea what women think about this situation.

    What would be interesting is to see what the penalties are in terms of sentencing and such for Male and Female Teachers. Do women get penalized less?

    Latest from Green Bay.

  52. Jason, the phantom MenaceThu Aug 22, 02:01:00 PM PDT

    Ah A-non,

    Its good to see that you actually have no Idea who Fleet Kommander is, nor do you know who I am. As to projection you've mentioned 3 times that your boogey man "Thinks women are attracted to him even though he is pizza faced and greasy."

    You have no idea who you are talking about, you know nothing and your arguments seem of the ethos reminiscent of Middleschool-Highschool populism. IF your boogeyman is real.

    I suspect however he is in your head, living rent free and still complaining of the lack of floorspace.

    Women make false accusations all the time. and double down to try to sell it. In Madison, Wisconsin there is no reason for a woman to live in fear, unless she is making it up and got caught. Out of shame, or out of trying to get away from YOU, are more plausible.

    Goodluck with the shadows, and mysterious boogeyman haunting your dreams at night, kitten. The real world awaits you when/if you graduate.

  53. I am not saying this is so but it seems like there is a lot of negativity on this board. Might I suggest some Aromatherapy? A little spritz of Lavender Oil to spray in the air to suppress the Man-Kweefs wafting around.

  54. A-non makes serious charges, so we must listen. We can only hope he was not misrepresenting his age, or having daughters of his own, or being an instructor. Otherwise he would lose all credibility.

    Sure, there are always a few losers around Hoofers, but it is almost a cliche to assume they are up to no good. Please A-Non, if your intent is honest, provide us with more details.... You say he cornered her under the canopy, I am having a hard time picturing that. Were you teaching at the time? If so, then perhaps you were preoccupied and didn't really see what was going on?

  55. Just re-reading your old comments above, you also said you were co-teaching with THREE other instructors. I have never heard of four instructors teaching a lesson, or even three, except maybe on a testout. A few more details would help shed some light here too.

    1. Either I worded it incorrectly, or you read it incorrectly. I had FOUR students, of which she was one, and me, as the instructor. As you point out, the only time we have more than one instructor on a lesson is if one is shadowing another

  56. Seems to me that you've an agenda on what you are asking. I know that you think you are clever, but I am NOT going to fall into the trap you seem to be laying.

    My oldest daughter is 44. My youngest 33. I am a multi-year instructor, and DID see the events that were outlined in the complaint.

    If you want to know more of the facts, they are public record. There was also a letter that circulated round when this individual was banned from the campus.

    That is all you get from me. It was real, I watched a lot of it happen, and it made me want to vomit that a man this age would stalk a far younger woman.

    Hearts and flowers and goodbye. I am done with all of the people on this blog. If you hate the club that much, quit. If you are after young girls, I hope that they have the courage to go to the police.

    Already there is one that could file a lawsuit against this blog-master. Because she was named in the blog and had her reputation smeared. When few of us even know who she was.


  57. Jason Strikes BackThu Aug 22, 11:04:00 PM PDT

    1, gotta prove damages.
    2, How does a 23 year old have a 44 yo daughter?!?

    A-non, bugger off, noone was named by name, and you cant prove any damage.

    Fun Fact, Germany had 3078 Generals in ww2, America had over 1200, Russia had 1400ish. All Told, roughly 11,600 people served as general/admiral in ww2.

    Again, "she who cant keep her legs shut" would have to prove she was damaged with lies. Smeared reputation isn't damage if true, The reputations of the men shes accused in her past however could haunt her now that there is a pattern, tho.

    You got nothing, never did, never WILL. -_- your move.

  58. Thank you for this blog and discussion. Here is a story you may find interesting.

    Three years ago there was a girl I kind of liked, in education. Cute girl named Sierra. She had class down the hall at the same time as I had another class. I cant remember how we met, maybe the year before. When I got out of class, I would sometimes walk that way hoping to run into her. We talked a few times, and we walked part way home together at least once, down Dayton Street. I lived on Langdon so I went that way anyway. She was friendly enough but I couldnt tell if she was interested or not. Most women will never ask a guy out. Finally I got up the nerve to ask her for a beer, and she said she had a boyfriend!

    I had never seen her with a guy, so it was a surprise, but possible. Then she called UW police and told them I was stalking her. Whats worse, she added things that never happened, like I followed her to Fresh Market, that I hid around corners at Education, ETC ETC, all totally and absolutely false, but things that could not be disproven. I didn't know she knew my last name but she could have followed me home, or maybe asked my instructor. They questioned me, but didn't charge me with anything.

    Absolutely true story. So the question is, did I do something wrong? When I found out she had called police, I couldn’t believe it, as in, head spinning, wtf. It was so messed up, like finding out your aunt is a serial killer or something. I guess this girl had psychological issues, but how do you prove it?

    I also now suspect this sort of thing is very common, more common than most people think.

    Does anyone know of a good forum for sharing experiences like this? Nothing against this blog, but there must be more general forums with people discussing false reports and what can be done about them.

  59. Thanks for sharing that. Very hooferesque.

    As for A-Non: some of your comments are just loopy. Your latest (Aug 22, 08:16), for instance. When you say we could be sued for naming someone, who are you talking about, Abby P? Not sure who else it could be, but it can't be her because she put her own name and story out there. That website is linked up above.

    Now, if we were to say something like, "A-Non was seen grabbing his daughter's privates and working them like clay", that might be libelous.

    But alas, that's not libelous either because "A-Non" is anonymous and (unfortunately) you can't be identified from that. Ask any attorney, and if he/she is able to stop laughing long enough, he/she will tell you the same thing.

    Nor is anyone here after "young girls"--unless you consider a 22 year old woman to be a girl. If you really have a daughter who's 44, then I guess 22 would seem young to you, but 22 is four years past the age of legal consent. Heck, in some African countries you're a grandparent by age 35 and dead by 45.

    Hearts and flowered panties

  60. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for this article. It is about time we push back against this insanity. False accusations need to be outed, and the women making them need to be publicly shamed.

    An accusation can in many cases be more destructive to a man than an actual assault can be to a woman. It's time we stop living in fear. if accused, a man faces backlash and assault from countless people, and unknown amount of discrimination and lost opportunities, let alone actual physical assaults from those who think him guilty. A woman assaulted faces every resource at her disposal, and everyone offering her support and comfort.

    Its a dirty topic in todays society, but the victims of these assault allegations need to summon the courage and come forward to report them, and out the vipers who made them. Its a hurricane Headwind, for men, but a street paved with gold for women.

    -Fed Up, Willing to talk.

  61. It is more than obvious to everyone who reads this Blog that the thin-veiled whines against Jim Rogers were not #metoo moments, but a #WhyNotMe angst that runs throughout the homoerotic undercurrents in the various posts. You were spurned and are angry.

    But no! Not me! Well you might also take into account the issues you have with getting with women on any level. They're not your cup of tea.

    Instead of being so angry at women, consider going on a date with another man and stop struggling to suppress the latent tendencies just waiting to burst forth.

    I hope that this insight is cathartic and leads to a happier and more fulfilling life.

  62. Interesting that you would mention spurning and JimR in the same sentence. Maybe we can go into that at a later date. Meanwhile, you're the only one here who has so much as mentioned gay, homo, or anything of the kind. That tells us where *your* mind is, not anyone else's. No one here is angry at women, only at those who have committed criminal acts against innocent men. Fortunately, I think that's a small percentage overall. Also, I never read most posts on this blog as homoerotic, more like homophobic. LOL.

  63. Hey A-non, when you're touching a student on the shoulder "to help you get up onto the foredeck" does you hand ever slip down, accidentally of course, and you touch her someplace else..? ;-)

    Is that why you forced that other young woman to make a false report, out of guilt resulting from your own inappropriate actions?

  64. Dear Anon-Sun Aug 25, 02:08:00 PM PDT;

    Don't take my word. Maybe have one of those tests where they put a pressure cuff around your 'tiller' and they show you different images and movies. Not saying I know for sure what the result will be, but 'docking' might be something in your future. And that's OK. Get it out. Be free. Why not put this anger behind and find happiness instead.

  65. Dr Ruth, I believe you are attempting to illuminate the Blog owners here that even heterosexuals have some degree of latent homosexuality.

    What does that term mean and how does it apply here? Let's look at the definition: Psychoanalysts use the concept of repressed or latent homosexuality to explain the emotional malaise and irrational attitudes exhibited by individuals who feel guilty about their erotic interests and struggle to deny and repress homosexual impulses. In fact, when these individuals are placed in a situation that threatens to excite their own unwanted homosexual thoughts, they may overreact with panic, anger, or even murderous rage.

    Is this not what see time and time again on this site? Attacks against 'strong males' and excuses about why we cannot date women because we'll get thrown in jail.

    Now that we have that cleared up, how's sailing going? Finally have some nice wind today under clear skies.

  66. Another Woman nailed, and going to prison after ruining a guys life in England this time. This shit happens all the time!!!

  67. Wow, they caught one. That's great, thanks for the link.. that story is also here:

    The false-report-maker was "hoping" to become a cop. Ha ha, no doubt she will anyway. A dummy, and likes to abuse people too.

  68. Incredibly, here is a similar incident:

    Yet another case of a serious false allegation, made by a different young woman, against a different cab driver. One has to wonder if this isn't an epidemic of women taking out their emotional problems on innocent men with whom they happen to come into contact.

  69. Quintez being dragged back through the muck. Is this just sour grapes over a threesome gone wrong?

  70. Their attorney Clune is a total sleazebag. To him and these party girls, due process applies to the false accusers, not to the wrongly accused. Whats most scary is that, normally the UW would agree, although not in this case, maybe because Cephus is a football star. Total goatfuck all the way around.

  71. UW violates Title IX and its own rules to let Cephus back into school and play football.

    Now, the guy is an amazing athlete that will help Bucky Badger win many games. Team wins equates to more Alumni donations.

    It's a bottom line thing. Quint's crimes are outweighed by his usefulness. Anyone else would get Title IX'd.

    Two sets of rules.

    1. Perhaps its time to eliminate title IX and change the UW's own rules to prevent this type of thing from happening again? Maybe we align with the US Constitution instead? Presume innocence until proven otherwise?

    2. Out of curiosity i did a little research, and UW-Madison is one of the worst universities in the U.S. as far as violating constitutional rights and Title IX and in making a man prove his innocence when falsely accused:

      Possibly due to all the female chancellors we've had?
