Thursday, December 5, 2019

Born yesterday

Someone recently shared the comic at right on the HSC Facebook page (there's another HSC FB page that is a propaganda page controlled by club insiders, but that one's not linked here). Of course, comics are funny to the degree that they reflect reality, and this one certainly does. It seems it was drawn by someone with extensive experience in Hoofers. Interesting that she or she didn't sign it, afraid perhaps of what crooked club leaders might do.

You should be afraid.

Anyone who's been abused by club leaders, had their deposit illegally withheld, been subject to discrimination or unfair hiring practices knows how true-to-life this comic is.

Even if the artist didn't intend it to mock Hoofers, this might be the funniest comic ever created to the degree that it draws attention to the crooked nature of Hoofer Sailing. Certainly on par with the best of ours. :)

The fourth panel could equally show an ad for Hoofer sailing, the doors to the boathouse, or something like that.


  1. The comic is just A-D-O-R-B-S! Looks so happy seeing the sailboat :) Haven't we all felt that way? I have!

    This warmed my heart on a cold December day with memories of sailing Big Blue Mendota.

  2. The connection between this cartoon and Hoofers has only one thing in common: A sailboat.

    Cute cartoon. Agree with Adorbs!

  3. Look at that little face all lit-up and happy looking at the sail boat. It's precious. Awwww.

  4. I like this cartoon. Visually naive, yet, it speaks to the human condition on many levels. I could add more, but the cartoon says it all.

  5. What's the status on dredging channels in Lake Mendota to avoid the big flooding we had?

    Behold ye Hoofers and Boaters Alike,
    For a Great Flood will come
    Lakes Mendota and Monona shall act as one,
    While water rises up each bun
    Memories of Hoofers and life in the sun.

  6. No More Joy of TechsTue Dec 17, 11:37:00 AM PST

    Tech Apocalypse has a lot in common with
    Madison's worst landlords that own historic buildings. Something old, classic and much loved? Do no maintenance. Let the vagaries of time and elements reduce what was grand and loved into something that cannot be salvaged. No public discourse. No questions posted or posed. Dang if the announcements on the Tong Family Marina said fleets would remain the same! Hoofers are liars now.

    Very disappointing that we now have fake entry level boats that serve no purpose other than to give false hope to new members that they cannot move-up in the fleets.

    Through willful ignorance or gross incompetence the Fleet is now Lost.

    Sad that a Madison and Hoofer's Tradition was left to rot like last week's sushi. Irresponsible. Irreverent. Irreplaceable :(

    1. After reading this reply, it makes me sad. That cute little cartoon character should be shedding tears looking at rotting fleets littering the upscale Tong Marina (formerly Hoofer's).

      How could this have happened? Were the allotted funds for Tech Fleet withheld? "Get me some dirt on the Tartans and you'll get what was approved".?

      People who never grew-up sharing the Hoofer Experience come into the Club dragging their own baggage. Let's make this like Milwaukee or Sheboygan, and so they do.

      Maybe this is just much ado about nothing and it was time for the Techs to go. But where was the Club discussion? Was there transparency in this process?

    2. Nope, David Elsmo is tyranical dictator in chief, what he says goes, no matter how earth shattering it is. Once again he is the owner of Hoofers.

    3. It would appear so. David Elsmo is too involved in the club, and takes any liberties he sees fit. We need to return to student leadership, and send Elsmo packing.

    4. Everyone who goes by Hoofer's is aghast that the mighty Tech Fleet is now a ramshackle mish-mosh of a few hulls rotting in plain view.

      Circumventing the Club by denying funds allocated to this fleet has eerie parallels with President Donald J. Trump and Ukraine.

      How did we fall so far so fast?

    5. Liberty Sinking Further Into MendotaSat Dec 21, 09:41:00 AM PST

      When only a few people make all the decisions, all the decisions are made by only a few people.

      Hoofer's reflects the changing times as democracy stumbles and One Party Rule replaces checks and balances.

      What does Absolute Power looks like? It looks like Hoofers.

  7. About that Tong Family donation. When does phase II start? I of course refer to the repurposing of Harvey's lake-side concrete bunkers to be used as submarine pens for the Peoples Liberation Navy.

    Red China will do a better job than the current narcoleptics asleep at the switch. Art of the Deal ;)

  8. Art has quite the imagination. Only by creating artificial islands between University Bay and Governor's Island can China claim extended territory.

    Submarine Pens? Heavens to Murgatroyd! We're talking aquaculture with Asian Bighead Carp farm raised in the chemical and biological broth oozing from the city's direct-to-lake drains. Will the UW issue about 325 H1-B visas for non-immigrant workers to tend and harvest catfish? Or, just make volunteer hours on the floating catfish farm mandatory for Hoofer Sailors?

    Yum. Yum. Thank you PLA proxy Tong Family for bringing sustainable economic development to Wishconsin.

  9. For the record, nearly every pen I brought onboard a hoofer boat, eventually became a submarine pen.... just saying.

  10. Justin, good one. Turning Lake Mendota into a bighead carp fishery is probably for the best. Just keep extending those floating piers into containment pens. Whatever we hose off the Hoofer sidewalks into the lake will get gobbled up by the Asian Carp. Duck Poop. Hoofer Hurl. Chunks of greasy bratwursts, etc. Serve that fish up in the Lakeview Lounge and we've become more resilient and sustainable.

    Top it off with a publicity photo of President Xi feeding a Mendota Fishwich to Tickle Me Elsmo.

    1. How do you guys come up with this material all the time? It is so far from reality that it is unintentially histerical. Submarine pens, Asian Carp fishery, Tong Family proxy for China's People Liberation Army and on and on.

      Thanks for a very entertaining 2019 and heres to a great 2020's worth of more of the same.

    2. Keeping with the spirit of the season, let's pause from being a Bag of Dicks for a moment and congratulate Dave Elsmo and his wife on the birth of their child.

      Get involved! Participate! And take a moment to send good thoughts to the growing Elsmo Family. Sure, we give him sh@! on this board, but, he's a good guy and he has managed the Club through some difficult changes.

      Peace and a Happy New Year to one and all!

    3. YAY, can he take that permanent Paternity Leave now? and Leave us and the club the fuck ALONE finally?

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