Friday, June 24, 2011

Just sit right back

with your wallet out...

The sailing club/Union have come up with a new scheme to try to raise cash to pay instructors: the Three Hour Dinner Cruise. Prices start at $24.50/person (which is at least $98 for a group of four)--and you bring the dinner. Make sure to bring enough for the skipper and crew too, or they might toss you overboard!

Check out the flyer here.

Are there so few club members who want to sail on the keelboats anymore that the club/Union have to lure unsuspecting members of the public..? I remember when we had Friday evening cruises on at least two or three keelboats every week. What's more, we would happily take anyone along--even if they weren't a club member. Not anymore. Now that the club has started paying kb instructors, it's cash on the barrel (and, in a sense, for the barrel...)

We recommend a picnic on picnic point instead. That will cost you nothing, and you won't have to bring lots of extra food for hungry Hoofers (who are also getting paid by the hour in addition to eating your food).

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I cannot wait to see how this comic turns out! Also, it is pathetic the Wisconsin Union is now charging the Public what it should be doing anyway as simple (and dare I suggest fun?) outreach to convince Madisonians to join as Members. Easily done financially if they just get ride of the top-heavy payroll and empower the Members again to do this collectively. Easy as pie.
