Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bahamas 2015?

Sign up now for Hoofer Sailing Club's 2015 Spring Break cruise!

Just kidding. There will be no club cruise this year due to the big screw-up last year. The fellas pictured at right are mostly to blame, some more than others (Hi Greg!). Collectively they and their crews did over $10,000 in damages to the charter boats last spring (March '14). As a result, the University has once again disallowed HSC club-sponsored cruises in Florida or anyplace else--indefinitely. THANKS, GUYZ.

It is sad that despite the presence of some truly expert sailors in the club, skippers were chosen largely based on their party reputation (hi Doug!) and on how much liquor they can hold (hi everyone!). Naturally, the party captains' party buddies were the first to sign up for the cruise, and you can imagine the rest. See this post for details on some of the damage done to the four boats last year.

It's doubly frustrating/amusing/depressing given that some club leaders worked so hard to get spring break cruises going again after a 20 year hiatus. That long absence was due also to UW Risk Management prohibiting club-sponsored cruises after the disaster in 1993 where major damage was done to several boats, including shredded mainsails, a burnt out engine, a punctured hull, lost equipment, etc. (Yeah, yeah, we know, that time it was the storm of the century, but what does that say about your seamanship..?)

The new Hoofer mantra might be: You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't sail a charter yacht in a drunken stupor. Well, maybe once every 20 years.

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