Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Check out this Hoofer blog written by Carol -----. Long-time Hoofers will know who she is since she used to be very involved in the clubs. Her post is a bit off-the-wall, with some, er, colorful language, but it contains some very interesting stuff (and links). We really like some of her terms: scheme, power structures, horrific, and kafkaesque.

It might be a good idea to post any comments here as well as on her blog which she may or may not still be checking.


  1. Seems like you and Carol have a lot in common. When's the wedding?

  2. I think anonymous commenters have a lot in common with a certain ex-advisor of the same sex who is once again teaching sailing lessons. Oh hey, it's legal now for you guys to get "married" too!

  3. It's pretty funny (but not in the ha-ha sense) how having a conscience and ethics and speaking up about bad behavior is an unforgivable sin in Hoofers, while sexual assault, cronyism, perjury, theft and embezzlement are all a-okay.

  4. Sorry about the 'wedding' comment. Just trying to be funny and I did not mean offense. I sincerely apologize. I thought Carol's blog about the funds for SCUBA was disconcerting and should be investigated by the University. Who audits the funds for Hoofers?

  5. "Admiral Ackbar said...I think anonymous commenters have a lot in common with a certain ex-advisor of the same sex who is once again teaching sailing lessons"

    Admiral Ackbar? Your nom de troll is not your way of being anonymous, yes? Zo, now we know why you doth protest too much!
