Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Head of Incompetence

The application deadline for the vacant Head of Instruction job was yesterday (unless they decide to extend it again), so this seems like a good time to review past HOI's.

Let's start back in the pre-JimR days, the late 1980s when Kurt Kummer (what a name, eh?) was the guy. As with most Hoofer leaders and employees, Kurt was a party boy, fond of giving keelboat ratings to his buddies. And when Keelboat instructors wouldn't give Kurt the ratings he wanted, he would demand them.

Then along came Jim Rogers who, like a giant octopus, grabbed the job and held onto it for 15 years. Nothing was off the table for Jim. He would slander, harass, and do whatever else was necessary to solidify his position as HOI. And when the BOC wasn't handling something, he would take it over, like a giant amoeba. Every time he could do that, it would make the HOI job more important, his position ever more secure.

When Jim finally slithered on to the Hoofer Advisor job in 2005, Anne Porter found herself as temporary HOI. Anne never seemed comfortable with the job but did manage to use it to further her own interests. For example, Anne would downgrade exams of people she didn't like while tossing those of people who actually flunked--if the latter happened to be her friends.

Then Brian Borkovec took over and found he could not only negotiate his salary but actually vote to approve it (a felony in Wisconsin). Alas, crimes are pooh-poohed around the Wisconsin Union--as long as they're committed by a Wis. Union employee. Borkovec was also known to stalk people he didn't like and then write "reports" on them. Hey Borko: the public can monitor your criminal activities but you as a state employee are not allowed to harass the public.

The last HOI was Tom Barry who was quickly swept into the Hoofer Hole. Humor? Check. Overwhelmed? Check. Farm off the work to your subordinates? Check. When that didn't go so well, Tom managed to quit this past summer before getting fired.

Wow, what a group. Did we miss anyone?

So here we are in 2011, with a new commodore looking for a new HOI who will not only take care of instruction but also coach the sailing team (of which she just happens to be a member). Good golly. What manner o' beastie can do all that?!

We'll find out.


  1. Rumor has it that Justin Cherniak is after the position. For a couple years he has been angling to depose Chris Frye as the most fat and useless Hoofer, and this just might be the way to do it.

    Plus, he could award himself all the ratings he isn't able to earn. He has learned a lot from doughboy.

  2. Why even bother with this job? Is it really needed...really? Seems to me life is just fine without it; the wind still blows, the sails still sail; the boats float. Forget this crap; just sail!

  3. Speaking of useless, check out Justin's draawing of a sailboat here:


    (or http://hoofersailing.org/node/450)

    And this guy is applying to be head of instruction?

  4. Most jobs at the UW are filled by insiders and Hoofers will be no exception. Who will the new HOIC be? Let's see - new requirement and more $$$ - someone from the Sailing Team. Probably a current Club Leaders facing imminent graduation. Sounds like the fix is in. I predict that her name sounds like Fargeaux Klutz. But I hate to think that way...I am sure it isn't. I hope that time does prove me wrong.
