Saturday, July 25, 2009

Let's have a ball

Fabulous weather made for some great sailing on Saturday night for the conclusion of the Commodore's Ball and Commodore's Cup week. In fact, there's great sailing anytime now that the club has ten (or is it 11?) keelboats. Sign up for a keelboat cruise and check out the Hoofer "cruising" scene. Cruises are open to all club members and their guests, and sometimes to the public. Of course, most cruises only happen for special events, e.g. Rhythm & booms, C-Cup, sail-free day, the forthcoming commodore election, etc., so it's hard to actually get on a cruise. Please check with the skipper before bringing alcohol or other drugs on board. Also get the skipper's okay before jumping overboard.


  1. Hey Fleet Commander!

    Who is depicted in that last comic frame? Are you suggesting Hoofer J-Fleet cruises are, well, outings for "cruising" by middle-aged men preying on young persons?

  2. Fleet Commander,

    Would you mind either posting from your account an email address to contact you at or posting it on the main page?

    I see an email address listed on "King's Men" but it appears to have been posted by a pseudo anonymous person entering Fleet Commander instead of from the actual account. (No blue underline)


  3. That drawing in the comic looks kind of like George W. Bush. What is he doing on a hoofer sailboat?

  4. Little Birdie,

    You can use that email address in the other post. Please don't send cash.
