Saturday, June 10, 2023

Harvard This Ain't

With the boats back in the water and lessons posted for a new season, the darker side of Hoofer Sailing Club rears its ugly head again too. Misbehavior is present year-round, but it peaks in the summer months.

With the return of summer comes the return of crooks and con-artists who ensconse themselves in various Hoofer positions and operate with near impunity. Former Hoofer advisor Jim R., former commodore Lukas D, instructors like Georges Daniel S., and many others have broken the law while employed at HSC. We're not talking about violations of club rules--those happen all the time. We're talking about actual crimes and civil rights violations, not to mention other abuses, racism, etc.

Of course it's possible to violate club rules and the law at the same time, e.g. former commodore Peter Grimmer drinking beer on a J-boat in violation of club rules (and the law if he was under 21 at the time). Here is a funny article from a few years back that quoted him talking up the club.

"Sailing is often a rich, white person sport," Grimmer said. "It's almost like a fraternity or sorority."

Ha! Petey wasn't so dumb after all. (Note: If you can't see the whole article, just view the page source in your browser.)

Grimmer also boasted that "past Hoofer Sailing Club members have won Olympic gold medals, coached Olympic sailing teams and entered the Collegiate Sailing Hall of Fame at the US Naval Academy." What he didn't mention was that HSC employees have also committed crimes, everything from theft to slander to false police reports to sexual abuse to various white collar crimes (see the rest of this blog).

That's in addition to gross criminal negligence that led to the gruesome deaths of Hoofer sailors in 2015 and again in 2017.

The article also quoted former instructor Daniel Sutton as saying, "There is no race, culture or age demarcation at all (in HSC)." Alas, King Georgio never was very perceptive. There is, unfortunately, a big grey area for state employees, which all Hoofer employees are.

For example, is it a crime to grab a girl's butt in a crowd when she's not looking? Not if you ask LukasD. It's only a crime if you don't work for the state. What real harm was done anyway? She probably enjoyed it, even if she yelled "sexual assault!" right? Was it a crime for King George to make a false police report about someone he viewed as a competitor for the same woman he was interested in? Never mind that he was married and she was less than half his age, and taking lessons from him too. That's a dirty tactic well-known in some frats.

Was it a crime if he put his hand on a female student's shoulder as he stepped down into the cockpit, and let it "accidentally" slip down onto her chest..? Nothing you could likely prove. Is it a crime to relieve Hoofers of an outboard motor in the middle of the night? You bet. In Wisconsin, property is worth more than people.

With all that in mind, we've added a new button to the menu at right. Click on it to report any misbehavior you observe by HSC staff or other Wisconsin Union employees. It might seem alarmist, but Hoofer employees get away with far too many criminal acts. Slander in particular is widespread and difficult to catch. We are considering posting excerpts from some of the internal Wisconsin Union and other documents that we've obtained but will hold off on that for now.

And why not Harvard..? Because that's a private school and their employees have to follow the law. The UW, on the other hand, is a big state school and its employees seemingly can do whatever they f@cking please.


  1. Headline we'll never see:

    Wisconsin GOP to hold back $32Million from UW System budget until Hoofer's Sailing Club embraces DEI.

  2. Commodores Cup coming up! Tons of fun, water sports (heh) and maybe even some sailing!! Starting this week through next Saturday night, the Commodore's ball! Open to all, you don't have to be a current club member! There is still time to sign up.

  3. You only to after Sutton because one of HIS students was being stalked by you. The Madison Police were called and YOU were given a warning. Okay, dirtbag???

  4. Heh, ignoring the creepy comment above with bad grammar, possibly posted by someone excluded from commodores cup, is there a formal sail this year? Anyone up for it? Iplan to be be rigging a J around 5-6 on Saturday.....

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Whomever writes this blog; I demand an immediate retraction and apology for the remarks you made about Sutton.

    Please make this removal and apology forthwith.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Per the blog's posted guidelines, we deleted two comments that used personal names. In general, only names of Wisconsin state employees, or former employees like Georges Daniel Sutton, in an appropriate context, are acceptable.

  9. But WAIT! YOU were a former employee of Hoofers, just like I was. Per your rules I CAN mention your name. Unless you rules mean nothing???

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Apparently you missed the part about "in an appropriate context". Simply throwing out people's names, as you did in your latest deleted comment, is not acceptable (and may be libelous). It is true that PP is a former instructor, and if he or some other former employee or club leader committed crimes or malfeasance in the course of his or her employment at HSC, as you did, then you can potentially use their name. Follow? But to our knowledge PP hasn't been an instructor since around 2003, so you would be hard pressed to find anything. And by "You" you apparently mean him, but this is not his blog.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. You've no facts to put forth about my alleged malfeasance I see? Course that fits with your mealy mouthed words of hate for everyone. But yourself. Life has a habit of catching up to people who write the sort of bloviating things that you do.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Your "proof" proves nothing, except that you made a false report! Anyway, this blog isn't for general complaints about people you don't like. It's for promoting--and criticizing--Hoofer Sailing Club, including its employees (instructors, club leaders, etc). That doesn't include club members or other individuals who happen along. If you want to criticize someone's behavior as it relates to their position at Hoofers or the Wis. Union, by all means do so, but criticisms of a person's behavior outside the context of their employment as a public employee will generally be deleted.

    With regard to your (Sutton's) crimes, making a false police report is a crime, and we have reliable witness reports, among other things, that were passed along to UWPD. Your personal attacks here, against a non-employee, just confirm everything we've ever written in this blog about how Hoofer Sailing Club leaders and instructors operate--by slander and other lowball tactics. That includes false police reports about people you don't like.

    If you want to discuss something, great, but as you(?) previously wrote, not naming names. And we deleted your last comment because it's unclear who you mean by "YOU".

  16. Oh, excuse me. Your blog is NOT for reporting on people you do not like. REALLY? You have also made a defamatory statement about my filing a false police report....let alone a report at all. THAT IS A LIE!!!! And I expect either your proof OR an apology. Forthwith. As well, I know people on the UWPD very well and they have NEVER received any negative reports on me. EVER! Again....proof or an apology for your defamatory statement. NOW!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. So then, you make defamatory remarks and apparently refuse to apologize for them? OR offer any evidence that Sutton did the things you accuse him of.

    When in fact you were kicked OUT of Hoofers long ago and are STILL mad about it. That was for stalking also, I am told. NOT the most recent one which got you a warning letter.

    So what gives? You can sit watching girls at the lakefront through cameras and snipe at anyone with the club as it exists today? Because YOU ARE NOT IN IT? Really?

    Whilst I do not read your blog, after your comment was advised to me I did go back through some of your older rants. Seems that the people you attack are generally those that I, and the community holds in high regard. So in the end I am rather proud to have joined this exclusive group hated by you because they are far, honest, and simply try to kepp certain scum OUT of the club.

    You mention fraternity. Well I am happy to be part of the fraternity who has to suffer though your nasty, unsupported attacks. The proud. The many. The Hoofers,


  19. Thanks for denying that you made a report. We have the report that you made. (a club member provided us with a copy). You reported stalking when there was none, and you obviously did it because you don't like the individual in question (as you just stated explicitly in your latest deleted comment). Your lying on this blog may not be a crime, but making a false police report is.

    It's all par for the course for Wis. Hoofer employees. One has to wonder if the sleazy behavior doesn't start right at the top with the Wis. Union director.

  20. If you have a police report it is doctored. Indeed, a male could NOT report you for stalking. Well most males would not anyway. The police report made was done so BY the individual you WERE stalking, and I WATCHED that! Are you confusing my giving evidence as a police report? If that IS the case, my statement was correct. I WATCHED you trying to get near my student on TWO occasions.

    And you STILL have to produce some evidence of this motor that I sole, OR my playing handsy with some student. Those ARE lies and in fact ARE defamation. I just need to decide if you are worth a lawyer charge. Though I DID find out today that someone else IS laying a charge against you.

    Waiting for your apology.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. Sutton, you're just getting yourself in deeper with more libelous comments. According to the report we saw, you called UW police and falsely told them someone was stalking that woman who happened to be taking sailing lessons from you. From everything we know, it wasn't stalking by any stretch of the imagination, he knew the woman in question. So your twisted view of things, colored by your obvious dislike for this person, led you to make a false report. Simple as that. That was a criminal act by you, one of many committed in recent years by you and dozens of other Wis. Hoofer employees (most of which have nothing to do with this particular individual). Nor did we accuse you of stealing a motor. Re-read the post. Omg.

  23. Oh, did you block me? Rich...truly rich.

  24. A friend said to come to this blog a week ago. I detest this sort of thing but here I am. I feel I must comment in light of personal experience. In 2017, I took a sloop lesson from an older instructor, I believe it was Sutton. The lesson was okay, but he did some things that bothered me at the time, like when other students were helming he would put his hand on them, things like that. It does not sound all that bad but it seemed odd at the time. In light of other things people have said, it was probably inappropriate. I took other lessons from other instructors with no similar issues. She/her/hers.

  25. Thank you so much for this blog. It tries to reveal the truth, just the BOC and many instructors try to hide it. Everything Sutton said above is a half truth, or worse.
