Wednesday, August 15, 2018

David Elsmo Must Go!

NOTE: Guest editorial posted under a pseudonym to preserve the author's anonymity (retaliation is rife in Hoofers, as some are all too aware). Its opinions don't necessarily reflect the position of this blog. It has a few minor edits/corrections.

In my lengthy tenure as a sailor, a club member and a board member, I have seen abuse of power like nowhere else. When I first met David Elsmo, he had just been appointed as “Head Instructor” and the problems with nepotism and power grabbing began immediately.

Selective enforcement of rules, selective rehiring of instructors, and shenanigans at our instructor outings were rampant. From the get go, he appears nice. But if you don’t fall into line with him, you are culled out.

He took to coaching the Sailing team, and was a heck of a coach. Then he gave himself more authority as Head of instruction, a new and paid position. None of us batted an eye. He continued his power grab, year after year grabbing more power and granting himself more authority; this got lost between boards. Under Commodore Nick Grundl is where the club realized we had a problem. Dave took liberties such as appointing his own “Fleet Instruction Supervisors” to take instruction oversight away from Fleet Captains and board members.

Nick had to repeatedly redefine Dave's job description, and censure him; check the meeting minutes. [Editor's note: see 2013-05-01 BOC minutes.] He had nothing but contempt for club members, club traditions, and club history. Around the union remodeling, he cozied himself with club “Advisors” and began a fundamental redesign of the club without permission of the board. He appointed himself “Sailing Program Manager”, threw out dozens of prominent members, then promoted himself “Sailing Program Director.” Without board approval.

Then he got the Commodore election moved, again without board permission, so more sailing team members could be in town for the vote, while he was their coach. Now he has the authority to fire any board member for any reason, even the commodore.

Many of us have been threatened, robbed, or had false citations issued to us. David is a tyrant. He needs to go. Many dozens of club members and donors are now in exile, or won't come back till he is gone.

And now club members are dying... and ratings are still being handed out as favors, to unqualified members. This is dangerous! Also, there are disturbing rumors about Dave's hiring practices that suggest an even deeper problem. DAVE MUST GO!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What is this Hoofer Marina project? Looks nice on paper. I like the storage unit bins along the shore. We can put a few things in there.

    Does this thing need a breakwater for when the 5 footers roll down from NW storms? Just wondering if the system proposed here works for all fleets? Also, looks like the boats are stored on the piers? Thoughts?

    Here's the PDF link

  3. It only looks interesting in this architectural rendering, however in reality it is another move by union management to erase the old Hoofers and replace it with a new, sterilized sailing service center.

    Don't people realize that as union management does this, they gain more and more control of OUR club?

    Can anyone honestly say they prefer a grassy knoll where the Techs are? Guthier wants grass there because he paved over the whole terrace. Are people expected to lay out there, or maybe get a little studying in as cars drive by five feet away from you? The traditional 420 area is cluttered but so what? Things are convenient and close by.

    Once again this is Dave and other management wanting to crap on Hoofer traditions and re-model the whole place in THEIR own image. It is the kind of icky design people come up with who are out of touch with reality. Those piers will still have to be removed in the winter, except now we will also have to drag all the boats in off them too. And they will need more repairs than the current piers because of the big storms that hit every summer. Boats will get damaged too. They are safe where they are, on dry land.

    Do we need our boats stored out on piers? No.
    Do we need more storage? No.
    Do we need a grassy strip where the Techs are now? NO.
    Do we need picnic tables down by limnology?? NO.
    Do we need a triangular what-the-fuck-is-that by limnology? NO.
    Do we need in effect, 12 lakelabs? NO!!

    The top of the lakelab is a great place to watch storms, watch the lake, hang out, etc. but it looks like you wont even be able to walk out on top of those hideous new storage bins that will replace the lakelab. They will be like those ugly cargo containers we had a few years ago, but permanent.

    And are these FLOATING piers? (look at the ramp to the sloop pier.) Where will the keelboats land in heavy weather?

    It sounds like they dont have enough funding yet for this. People, we need to stop this travesty before it washes away what is left of our club.

  4. It would seem that the new marina will mean different fleets of boats. Fine for lasers, sunfish, etc. But the Badger Sloops need bunks to support them when out of the water. Where do the techs go?

    Do we dump all of our fleets and get watercraft that will work with a floating pier system?

    This is a big deal and without Hoofer Sailing Club community input will change everything.

  5. The sloops appear to be there, at least a few of them, in the fancy drawing in the pdf. However it is not at all clear where the Techs will go, and they are the basic and, daresay I, most important Hoofer boat of all. It would not be beyond "the managers" to try to replace them with easier-to-handle sunfish or lasers or bytes that you see for rent in places like South Padre Island, Daytona Beach, Cancun... i.e. useless kiddie boats.

  6. The entire club should not be turned into Resort Island kiddie boats just to meet the grand profits of non-stakeholders.

    Everyone: Look at the plan. Aren't we scrapping everything for the sake of a floating dock? Yeah, our piers are beat but we do all of these to get a Scow pier? Oh yeah, where in the drawing is a scow pier? Right. Guess we're not a Scow club anymore. Everyone on the lasers and sunfish.

    My main concern is that we are going to completely turnover most of our fleets ---including the iconic Techs ---- to have what? A floating dock that gets demolished the first time a storm comes in from the West/Northwest?

    Floating docks were tried at Hoofers. This was done for the Windsurfing pier. That was a disaster when the first big storm broke it up and it was in sections everywhere.

    Is the new Marina a foregone conclusion? Is the message that this going to happen so we might as well lay back and enjoy ourselves? That's rough. Looks like kiddie boats on the floating piers. Who gets the contract in this age of privatization?

    Needs more input.

  7. Hoofer Water Park and Plastic BoatsSat Aug 18, 11:38:00 AM PDT

    Holy Smokes! Wake-up WISCONSIN HOOFERS!! This new marina needs to be on hold until there is discussion and input from the Club. Techs? Sloops? Scows? Not to be too extreme, but a previous poster a year back predicted this.

    Paddle boats shaped like Swans or with pictures of famous Bucky players. Sheesh. I thought that was what the Dells are for.

  8. Now connect the dots. What do the places in South Padre Island and Cancun do with their fleet of useless kiddie boats? They rent boats to tourists.

    Does the Union have some sort of boat rental operation, I wonder?

  9. Dick and Muffy get a New Country ClubSat Aug 18, 03:54:00 PM PDT

    The artist's rendition is nice if you are rendering porn for country club W@SPs.

    See, this is about turning Hoofers into what most Yacht Clubs are like. Hoofers Sailing Club is a unique and affordable place where non-elites can sail and excel at sailing. To turn this into something that looks like the rest shows no sense of the Wisconsin Idea and what it means to be a Hoofer.

    What do I mean 'like the rest'? Just make sure you have a sponsor for getting into the Club and that you are their kind of people. Preppy J. Crew and a pair of Sperry Top Siders to go with your button down collars is a good start, but pedigree matters.

    And, if you do get accepted, don't worry about the plastic kiddie boats on the floating piers, the 'real' Club members will have permanent spots reserved on the Yachts. Let the chaff get fouled in B-G Algae while your skipper (a competent one) sails you about Mendota for a bit of wine and cheese before dropping you at the pier and onward for Lobster Tail dinner at the Hoofers 19th Hole.

    It's a shame that they had to take this away from us. But it's just a new set of piers right? No, it's the big push. Stand-up Hoofers. Think about this project. Think long and hard. What does this do to the fleets and the club in general. Is it a net positive or negative?

    Pedigree matters.

  10. There already is a clear desire to profit by renting boats and selling boat rides. Conference sailing, mini-courses, day memberships, etc. No doubt union management would love to make a few more bucks renting sunfish and lasers. How much damage can a novice do to a sunfish, or should I say *with* a Sunfish? Negligible.

    We have heard the rumors about "new piers" since last year. Well, these are them, and they ain't what we bargained for. There is much more to this plan than meets the eye.

  11. The "Tong Family Marina" is a done deal. UW-Foundation has $4 billion in the bank so don't stress the small change. Those protesting it are far too late. Demolition starts in October. If the fleets on floating piers get totaled by a huge storm, UW Risk Management insurance covers it. Good time to buy more boats for tourists then. Don't worry about it, mateys!

    Stay informed:
    Original Master Plan

    Hoofer Boat Dock & Deck Replacement Project No. MSN-0008-1601 Project No. A-17-001

    UW Capital Planning and Development
