Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hoofer Sailing Not Found

A scary thought, isn't it. We have heard some of the rumors about the club's future, but we question whether they could disband HSC and make it student-only. Then what, UW faculty/staff couldn't join either..? That would seem to violate the UW's mission. Not to mention taking a great sailing club and turning into a joke.

But check out this eerie foreshadowing of what Union management is trying to do.

The next BOC meeting should be Monday, Nov 21, but knowing Mills, he might very well use Thxgiving as an excuse to move it to a different day. No one is even bothering to announce them on the web any more, nor is there an up-to-date list of BOC members. Just lots of "404" errors. Perhaps a foreshadowing of where HSC itself is headed..? Lists and up-to-date info make it too easy to contact people or to show up at BOC meetings--where we ALL should be--and complain.

The BOC prefers to do things under the table, not out in the open. For those who aren't aware, the "approved BOC minutes" are not the actual minutes. The juicy stuff, and anything that's borderline illegal, gets "cleaned" before the minutes are approved.

With regard to this blog, we don't know how much use it can really be in averting the out-of-control freighter that is crooked Union management. It can at least be used as a forum, and to post BOC emails or other potentially useful info (or they can be forwarded here. Like a newspaper or other publication, we need evidence before being able to say much that is concrete.


  1. Hey, is it too late to file for a recount in this year's commodore election? :D

  2. This call to arms might have been effective five years ago. The slow strangulation has been a brilliant tactic by the Union, because there's hardly anybody left who gives a shit anymore.

  3. I give a shit, but nothing in the BOC minutes says anything about reorganizing the club or making it student only, as some are suggesting. It is also ridiculous to say Dave Elsmo can fire the Commodore, that's an elected position under the Hoofer constitution.

    If people are still whining about having to wear life jackets or walk up to the union to get beer, get over it, that's not going to change.

  4. It is time to fire Dace. like a stink in the nostril, it's time for us to thank him for his years of cluster fuckery, and send him on his way.

  5. Don't you remember the commodore election, Frank? Dan B. dropped out of the race and told us why. The Union has unilaterally abrogated the Hoofer constitutions. They're paying the tuition of the club leaders, and in return taking control of them. The commodore is required to spend at least 8 hours or so in the office each week, and the Union can dismiss club leaders who don't put in the time or otherwise "meet the duties of the office."

    Yes, they literally can fire the commodore.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Comment was removed for inappropriate content. With regard to the complaint that we haven't been posting enough interesting news, finals are coming up and we're busy. Plus, it's winter and there isn't much news now anyway. If you want the latest on pier-out, storage rooms, etc. go to a BOC meeting.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Since this is a Hoofer Sailing Club blog, comments should at least tangentially be related in some way to HSC. Anyone who wants to discuss other topics can contact us here. Note that this address may not get checked every day, especially during finals and winter break.

  10. Mission accomplished.

    Bye now.
