Friday, April 29, 2016

The rape that wasn't

We held off on posting this because of some confusion caused by conflicting reports. Some of you may have heard about the supposed rape near Memorial Union earlier this month. That link describes the sexual assault but also says on the right: UW Police say there's no evidence the sex assault actually happened!

In the video, you can see police urging students to be wary as they walk home, not to walk alone, etc. This is part of UWPD's ongoing effort to create a climate of fear on campus. Of course they sent out a wiscalert to "warn" all UW students at the time. Giving UWPD even more incentive to prop up their own importance is criticism for recent and ongoing screw-ups, e.g. busting into a class to arrest someone--for grafitti.

The real problem is that police are habitual abusers. Many were bullied or abused as children, so in their adult lives, they are attracted to positions of authority by which they can finally control and abuse others. What kind of person would want a job that consists mainly of dealing with scum and writing up reports..? Damaged goods.

Like many Memorial Union employees, the "victim" here was apparently having a flashback or hallucination, or just lying. Other Memorial Union employees have falsely claimed to have been sexually assaulted in the past. This sort of thing is likely similar to what's going on with police: losers seeking attention.

That non-incident aside, there may have been an actual rape around the same time, as well as some hanky panky by a Hoofer employee in a separate incident. More on this soon.


  1. Hanky panky by a Hoofer employee?! Surely you jest.

  2. Nah, a lady friend of mine from Edgewood College confirmed it.
