Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bashing heads

We have just obtained the pre-official minutes from the July 1st BOC meeting (as of the time of this post, these are still not available yet on the club's site). Incase you missed it, the meeting was even nastier than usual, as the minutes show. The two main agenda items were to (1) bash former J-fleet Captain Paul Grinstead, and (2) bash Vice Commodore Bridget Maniaci.

The best of the Paul bashing (by Commodore Matt Duerst and General Incompetent Chris Frye):

• Paul received the agenda and failed to show up [for previous meeting]...
• I specifically stated that announcements should be posted to the forums for the Club to see instead of unofficial mailing lists or other methods. [Could Matt mean this blog..?!]
• Administered the [Rhythym & Booms] lottery, with himself in it, and won the J29.
• I was extremely disappointed with his attitude and childish behavior.
• all 3 keelboat fleets are approximately $1100 over [budget]. Editor's note: Is that a lot..? The club's budget is, like, $300,000.
• and from Chris: I was J-Fleet Captain for many years and don’t remember any
incidents. Editor's note: Um, no incidents..?! Has Chris forgotten about how the J24 mast snapped off at lift-in because he didn't secure the stays? Or how the J22 sank because he forgot to seal it..? Or a host of lesser incidents that occurred while he was J fleet captain??

This was perhaps Paul's best response to the bashing:

"I was not at the last BOC meeting because I was taking a much-needed break from Hoofers... the political bickering and disrespect at the BOC meetings are counterproductive to [looking after myself]."

Political bickering and disrespect at a BOC meeting..?! C'mon! You just weren't drunk enough.

And here's what C. Johann Sung wrote—on official Hoofer stationery no less—about Maniaci:

• INTERFERED with Pirate’s Day 2008
• FOLLOWED POORLY at Commodore’s Cup 2008
• LED POORLY at MU Bash 2008
• UNILATERALLY Pushed for Statue of Liberty 2009
• INTERFERED with Hoofer Council Election 2009
• INTERFERED with Friday Night Socials 2009
• INTERFERED with Pirate’s Day 2009
• INTERFERED with Rhythm and Booms 2009
• INTERFERED with Commodore’s Cup 2009

Wow. Amazing that one human being could interfere so much in half a season.

Hear ye, hear ye! The finding of this blog is that:

• Bridget is exonerated because she uses better grammar than C. Johann Sung.
• Paul is not reinstated as J fleet captain because he doesn't really want that dirty job anymore anyway.

The full nasties, er, minutes are available here and here. Thanks to our operatives.


  1. I think Chris was being honest. It's not that there were no incidents when he was J Fleet captain, he just doesn't remember any incidents.

  2. Your blog keeps bashing the commodore but he's doing the best he can and is trying to do what is best for the club. The other BOC members have to be able to accept his decisions because he is the one in charge. If someone isn't getting with the program, (no names), then they are the one with the problem.

  3. Clearly the commodore is 100% ethical and would never do anything not in the best interest of the club. He's our infallible savior and can do no wrong.

    He would never ignore proper procedure or law for his convenience. His vision is what the club should be and all must obliege to that.

    Perhaps the current constitution is a pile o' crap and needs to be replaced instead of worshiped?

    Or perhaps we need to get rid of mindless followers of stupidity like you. You know those people who followed Hitler's orders? Yup, they got charged even though they were just "Following Orders".

    Have you ever stopped to think, perhaps the commodore is doing a bad job and DESERVES being bashed?

  4. Is this the North Korean Sailing Club? We must not criticize Dear Leader? (Even if he sucks?)

    Come to think of it, there are some former club members who have been disappeared. Are they being tortured in a Union gulag? :-O

  5. It's all about money in the pockets of "core instructors" and shop "professionals," mates. Ya'll know there are a few who, say, quit their jobs at local software companies (or were fired from academic departments), to run from life. Well, well past collegiate years, these financial and emotional parasites latch onto Hoofers, to feed and avoid that which normal Americans do every day; git 'er done!

    And yes, Commodore Duerst basically sucked as Commodore. Yet, is that due more to his own moral failings (at least in the beginning of his Reign of Error), or to the machinations of the Supreme Hoofer Leader whose judgments and pronouncements must be taken with reverence and infalliability? Is Hoofers a Club or a Cult of Personality?

  6. It's easy to make complaints but figuring out how to actually change things for the better is a lot harder. Electing (snicker) a new commodore, which happens every year by the way, is not likely to do much, no matter who it is. And if it's another paid instructor, well, you can kiss another year goodbye.

    Practical, incremental steps, put forth by individuals who are well respected, are necessary if things are ever going to get turned around. It will be 2015 before long, and JimR will probably still be running things at 55, with no plans to retire. That is, unless he's charged with perjury and other crimes and jailed as he should be.

  7. Johann, this commodore has been a failure in almost every way. As an example, consider how many members of his board have resigned/quit/whatever. That doesn't happen in healthy administrations. Please go drown yourself.

  8. I'm sorry, but a friend linked to this, and I had to weigh in. What exactly is Hoofers? It seems to be a sailing club in Wisconsin, and you seem to live in Cali. Why do you care? People on this board are using immature speech like "Go drown yourself". Really, who gives a crap?
