Tuesday, July 21, 2015

C-Cup '15 ROCKS!

Really, we are talking about rocks--literally. One big one in particular located between the sloop pier and mooring field. Anyone who's been on a Decoy lesson in the past several years has been made aware of this rock due to Decoy's 6' keel. To inaugurate C-Cup 2015, Capt. M. steered Decoy directly into the rock, jolting the keel so hard that everyone on board is still vibrating three days later. That also damaged the keel so badly that Decoy's season is finished. Permanently. The boat is "a total loss" and will likely never sail again.

Meanwhile, as of Tuesday evening, the lakefront is dead. Is it bowling night, or is C-Cup '15 a non-event? It is surprising given that this year's C-Cup is FREE! Which is unprecedented as far as we know, but the club is desperate for participants.

You don't even have to be a club member to participate. Anyone can join C-Cup this year--well, almost anyone. Tailoring the rules to exclude unpopular individuals seems unconstitutional, but Union Director Mark Guthier doesn't worry about such things as he operates in his own little universe.

Anyway, to get everyone juiced, here is a video of "battleship" played at C-Cup three years ago. Pretty tight.

And here is a post from 2013, when the catch phrase was "Make Better Friends". Huh?

And here is a write-up on last year's C-Cup--the first under the new alcohol policy.

Have fun and try not to let anyone embarrass you!


  1. So what if the boat is a total loss? We have plenty of keelboats and we get them for free, at least the big ones. Hey everyone, we need more donations! Hoofermania!!

  2. Is C-Cup non-alcoholic this year? Or are they still serving brewskis even after the tragic death little over a month back? Jes wunderin'

  3. I heard a rumor, that I would like substantiated... Is the new VC actually a student? Or has she been appointed in direct violation of the constitution? can anyone verify this?

  4. Who is Capt. M. ???
